[bitbake-devel] bitbake dependency cache problem

Steffen Sledz sledz at dresearch-fe.de
Thu Mar 1 13:46:04 UTC 2012

I'm working with oe-classic and BitBake Build Tool Core version 1.12.0, bitbake version 1.12.0.

Because of some special development requirements we like to generate the Package Version from the SVN Revision (not the Last Changed Rev!) of the bitbake recipe in the local workspace.

Therefor the recipe contains this:

PR = "r8"
PV = "svnr${@svn_revision(d)}"

inherit svn-helper

The svn-helper.bbclass contains a little helper function to determine the needed value:

def svn_revision(d):
     import subprocess
     bbpath = os.path.dirname(bb.data.getVar('FILE',d,1))
     return subprocess.check_output(["svn", "info", bbpath]).partition("Revision: ")[2].splitlines()[0]

After this changes i make a first build and everything works fine. Assuming the SVN Revsion is 42 a package called foo-svnr42-r8.ipk is generated.

Now i make an "svn update" inside the workspace and the SVN Revision increases to 66.

A call of "bitbake foo" now results in an "Tasks Summary: Attempted 1182 tasks of which 1182 didn't need to be rerun and 0 failed." an no new ipg is generated. :(

The log generated by "bitbake -DDDDDvvvvv foo" contains

DEBUG: providers for foo are: ['foo']
NOTE: checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_foo-svnr42
NOTE: checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_foo-svnr42-r8

Why does bitbake not respects the new PV and generates a foo-svnr66-r8.ipk here???


DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH
Otto-Schmirgal-Str. 3, 10319 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 515932-237 mailto:sledz at dresearch-fe.de
Fax: +49 30 515932-299
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Weber, Werner Mögle;
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