[bitbake-devel] [PATCH] bitbake/runqueue: Drop check_stamps function, it is obsolete and unused

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Thu May 10 08:22:22 UTC 2012

This was originally used to check the consistency of the stamps in one function
call. This turns out to be inefficient, unnecessary and if it were necessary,
check_stamp_task() could be called in a loop. The function has been unmodified
for a while and likely contains bugs. Its best simply removed.

Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org>
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
index 0eed9ee..8d56331 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
@@ -781,100 +781,6 @@ class RunQueue:
         self.rqexe = None
-    def check_stamps(self):
-        unchecked = {}
-        current = []
-        notcurrent = []
-        buildable = []
-        if self.stamppolicy == "perfile":
-            fulldeptree = False
-        else:
-            fulldeptree = True
-            stampwhitelist = []
-            if self.stamppolicy == "whitelist":
-                stampwhitelist = self.rqdata.stampfnwhitelist
-        for task in xrange(len(self.rqdata.runq_fnid)):
-            unchecked[task] = ""
-            if len(self.rqdata.runq_depends[task]) == 0:
-                buildable.append(task)
-        def check_buildable(self, task, buildable):
-            for revdep in self.rqdata.runq_revdeps[task]:
-                alldeps = 1
-                for dep in self.rqdata.runq_depends[revdep]:
-                    if dep in unchecked:
-                        alldeps = 0
-                if alldeps == 1:
-                    if revdep in unchecked:
-                        buildable.append(revdep)
-        for task in xrange(len(self.rqdata.runq_fnid)):
-            if task not in unchecked:
-                continue
-            fn = self.rqdata.taskData.fn_index[self.rqdata.runq_fnid[task]]
-            taskname = self.rqdata.runq_task[task]
-            stampfile = bb.build.stampfile(taskname, self.rqdata.dataCache, fn)
-            # If the stamp is missing its not current
-            if not os.access(stampfile, os.F_OK):
-                del unchecked[task]
-                notcurrent.append(task)
-                check_buildable(self, task, buildable)
-                continue
-            # If its a 'nostamp' task, it's not current
-            taskdep = self.rqdata.dataCache.task_deps[fn]
-            if 'nostamp' in taskdep and task in taskdep['nostamp']:
-                del unchecked[task]
-                notcurrent.append(task)
-                check_buildable(self, task, buildable)
-                continue
-        while (len(buildable) > 0):
-            nextbuildable = []
-            for task in buildable:
-                if task in unchecked:
-                    fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.rqdata.runq_fnid[task]]
-                    taskname = self.rqdata.runq_task[task]
-                    stampfile = bb.build.stampfile(taskname, self.rqdata.dataCache, fn)
-                    iscurrent = True
-                    t1 = os.stat(stampfile)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-                    for dep in self.rqdata.runq_depends[task]:
-                        if iscurrent:
-                            fn2 = self.taskData.fn_index[self.rqdata.runq_fnid[dep]]
-                            taskname2 = self.rqdata.runq_task[dep]
-                            stampfile2 = bb.build.stampfile(taskname2, self.rqdata.dataCache, fn2)
-                            if fn == fn2 or (fulldeptree and fn2 not in stampwhitelist):
-                                if dep in notcurrent:
-                                    iscurrent = False
-                                else:
-                                    t2 = os.stat(stampfile2)[stat.ST_MTIME]
-                                    if t1 < t2:
-                                        iscurrent = False
-                    del unchecked[task]
-                    if iscurrent:
-                        current.append(task)
-                    else:
-                        notcurrent.append(task)
-                check_buildable(self, task, nextbuildable)
-            buildable = nextbuildable
-        #for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)):
-        #    fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]]
-        #    taskname = self.runq_task[task]
-        #    print "%s %s.%s" % (task, taskname, fn)
-        #print "Unchecked: %s" % unchecked
-        #print "Current: %s" % current
-        #print "Not current: %s" % notcurrent
-        if len(unchecked) > 0:
-            bb.msg.fatal("RunQueue", "check_stamps fatal internal error")
-        return current
     def check_stamp_task(self, task, taskname = None, recurse = False, cache = None):
         def get_timestamp(f):

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