[bitbake-devel] [PATCH 1/1] monitordisk.py: monitor disks based on path

Robert Yang liezhi.yang at windriver.com
Fri Mar 15 07:42:48 UTC 2013

The previous monitor is based on the disk, and one disk only can have
one action, this limits its function, for example we set this in the
current local.conf:

    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \

  * If TMPDIR, DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR are on the same disk partition,
    only the last line "ABORT,${SSTATE_DIR},100GM,1K" works

  * If TMPDIR, DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR are on the different disk partitions,
    only the last three lines (ABORT) work.

These are not what we expect, now:
  * We monitor the disk based on the path and action, so all the six lines
    will work no matter whether they are on the same disk partition or

  * The out put format will be:
    WARNING: The free space of /path/to/directory (device) is running low (XXGB left)

[YOCTO #3995]

Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang at windriver.com>
 bitbake/lib/bb/monitordisk.py |   73 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/monitordisk.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/monitordisk.py
index 1c1e614..a71dd9f 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/monitordisk.py
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/monitordisk.py
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def getDiskData(BBDirs, configuration):
                 printErr("Invalid disk space value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" % pathSpaceInodeRe.group(3))
                 return None
-            # 0 means that it is not specified
+            # None means that it is not specified
             minSpace = None
         minInode = pathSpaceInodeRe.group(4)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def getDiskData(BBDirs, configuration):
                 printErr("Invalid inode value in BB_DISKMON_DIRS: %s" % pathSpaceInodeRe.group(4))
                 return None
-            # 0 means that it is not specified
+            # None means that it is not specified
             minInode = None
         if minSpace is None and minInode is None:
@@ -127,8 +127,9 @@ def getDiskData(BBDirs, configuration):
         # DL_DIR may not exist at the very beginning
         if not os.path.exists(path):
-        mountedDev = getMountedDev(path)
-        devDict[mountedDev] = [action, path, minSpace, minInode]
+        dev = getMountedDev(path)
+        # Use path/action as the key
+        devDict[os.path.join(path, action)] = [dev, minSpace, minInode]
     return devDict
@@ -192,10 +193,10 @@ class diskMonitor:
                     # This is for STOPTASKS and ABORT, to avoid print the message repeatly
                     # during waiting the tasks to finish
                     self.checked = {}
-                    for dev in self.devDict:
-                        self.preFreeS[dev] = 0
-                        self.preFreeI[dev] = 0
-                        self.checked[dev] = False
+                    for k in self.devDict:
+                        self.preFreeS[k] = 0
+                        self.preFreeI[k] = 0
+                        self.checked[k] = False
                     if self.spaceInterval is None and self.inodeInterval is None:
                         self.enableMonitor = False
@@ -204,53 +205,61 @@ class diskMonitor:
         """ Take action for the monitor """
         if self.enableMonitor:
-            for dev in self.devDict:
-                st = os.statvfs(self.devDict[dev][1])
+            for k in self.devDict:
+                path = os.path.dirname(k)
+                action = os.path.basename(k)
+                dev = self.devDict[k][0]
+                minSpace = self.devDict[k][1]
+                minInode = self.devDict[k][2]
+                st = os.statvfs(path)
                 # The free space, float point number
                 freeSpace = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
-                if self.devDict[dev][2] and freeSpace < self.devDict[dev][2]:
+                if minSpace and freeSpace < minSpace:
                     # Always show warning, the self.checked would always be False if the action is WARN
-                    if self.preFreeS[dev] == 0 or self.preFreeS[dev] - freeSpace > self.spaceInterval and not self.checked[dev]:
-                        logger.warn("The free space of %s is running low (%.3fGB left)" % (dev, freeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024.0))
-                        self.preFreeS[dev] = freeSpace
+                    if self.preFreeS[k] == 0 or self.preFreeS[k] - freeSpace > self.spaceInterval and not self.checked[k]:
+                        logger.warn("The free space of %s (%s) is running low (%.3fGB left)" % \
+                                (path, dev, freeSpace / 1024 / 1024 / 1024.0))
+                        self.preFreeS[k] = freeSpace
-                    if self.devDict[dev][0] == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[dev]:
+                    if action == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[k]:
                         logger.error("No new tasks can be excuted since the disk space monitor action is \"STOPTASKS\"!")
-                        self.checked[dev] = True
+                        self.checked[k] = True
-                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'disk', freeSpace, self.devDict[dev][1]), self.configuration)
-                    elif self.devDict[dev][0] == "ABORT" and not self.checked[dev]:
+                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'disk', freeSpace, path), self.configuration)
+                    elif action == "ABORT" and not self.checked[k]:
                         logger.error("Immediately abort since the disk space monitor action is \"ABORT\"!")
-                        self.checked[dev] = True
+                        self.checked[k] = True
-                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'disk', freeSpace, self.devDict[dev][1]), self.configuration)
+                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'disk', freeSpace, path), self.configuration)
                 # The free inodes, float point number
                 freeInode = st.f_favail
-                if self.devDict[dev][3] and freeInode < self.devDict[dev][3]:
+                if minInode and freeInode < minInode:
                     # Some fs formats' (e.g., btrfs) statvfs.f_files (inodes) is
                     # zero, this is a feature of the fs, we disable the inode
                     # checking for such a fs.
                     if st.f_files == 0:
-                        logger.warn("Inode check for %s is unavaliable, remove it from disk monitor" % dev)
-                        self.devDict[dev][3] = None
+                        logger.warn("Inode check for %s is unavaliable, will remove it from disk monitor" % path)
+                        minInode = None
                     # Always show warning, the self.checked would always be False if the action is WARN
-                    if self.preFreeI[dev] == 0 or self.preFreeI[dev] - freeInode > self.inodeInterval and not self.checked[dev]:
-                        logger.warn("The free inode of %s is running low (%.3fK left)" % (dev, freeInode / 1024.0))
-                        self.preFreeI[dev] = freeInode
+                    if self.preFreeI[k] == 0 or self.preFreeI[k] - freeInode > self.inodeInterval and not self.checked[k]:
+                        logger.warn("The free inode of %s (%s) is running low (%.3fK left)" % \
+                                (path, dev, freeInode / 1024.0))
+                        self.preFreeI[k] = freeInode
-                    if self.devDict[dev][0]  == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[dev]:
+                    if action  == "STOPTASKS" and not self.checked[k]:
                         logger.error("No new tasks can be excuted since the disk space monitor action is \"STOPTASKS\"!")
-                        self.checked[dev] = True
+                        self.checked[k] = True
-                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'inode', freeSpace, self.devDict[dev][1]), self.configuration)
-                    elif self.devDict[dev][0]  == "ABORT" and not self.checked[dev]:
+                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'inode', freeInode, path), self.configuration)
+                    elif action  == "ABORT" and not self.checked[k]:
                         logger.error("Immediately abort since the disk space monitor action is \"ABORT\"!")
-                        self.checked[dev] = True
+                        self.checked[k] = True
-                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'inode', freeSpace, self.devDict[dev][1]), self.configuration)
+                        bb.event.fire(bb.event.DiskFull(dev, 'inode', freeInode, path), self.configuration)

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