[bitbake-devel] Bitbake for native x86 project?

Chris Morgan chmorgan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 12:17:45 UTC 2013

>Are all of your developers working on creating the target's kernel,
>rootfs, and/or bootloader? If most of the developers are only doing
>target, user-space, application development then all they need is an
>appropriate SDK (which only needs to be generated whenever any target
>packages change). This means a huge build only needs to be done once,
>and then everyone can use the results. In this scenario a
>network-shared sstate can still be employed for further build-time

I suspect that we could get away with the appropriate sdk. I can see
how this would work for the cross-compilation process, with an arm
sdk, but if we had an x86-64 sdk for running things natively I'm not
sure the libraries would be in sync enough for the applications to run
on the developer's Linux machines. I'm thinking a mismatch in any
library would prevent the executables from being run without going
through the qemu approach.

I can certainly see that there is a path forward though and thank you
for brining up the sdk idea. I had read about that but haven't gotten
to trying it or trying to figure out where it best fits yet.


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