[bitbake-devel] Fwd: Re: [PATCH] BB_NO_NETWORK: Fallback to local source for git lsremote

Jérémy Rosen jeremy.rosen at smile.fr
Wed Aug 10 08:28:03 UTC 2016

(this conversation accidentally became private, I'm forwarding it to the 
mailing list...)

On 09/08/2016 17:50, Olof Johansson wrote:
> On 16-08-09 17:16 +0200, Jérémy Rosen wrote:
>> I must admit i'm kinda confused here...
>> what's the point of NO_NETWORK
>> * the "airplane use-case : I'm on a plane with no network access and I want
>> to work on yocto. I built stuff previously and I don't really care about
>> upstream changes. I set NO_NETWORK so bitbake doesn't complain but still
>> build everything : In that case, bitbake needs to use it's locally cached
>> ref positions, and currently doesn't work
>> * the "long term archive" use-case. I have built a local mirror 10years ago
>> and I want to rebuild from scratch. In that case, it makes sense (again) to
>> use the ref from the mirror to find you SHA. Yes, fixed refs would be
>> better, but if the ref have changed, I would argue that using the old
>> position is exactly what you want.
>> * other use-case ? I don't really see...
> There's a variable called BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS, so if you are
> using BB_NO_NETWORK, we can whitelist one or more hosts or
> networks:
>   BB_NO_NETWORK = "1"
>   BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS = "*.axis.com mirror.example.com"
> This introduces a new use case: we can make sure that only some
> network hosts are used during builds. (Like only using your
> internal mirror or your internal Git server.)
Interesting... not a use-case I had thought of
>> Overall, I think that if a SRC_URI points to a ref, NO_NETWORK is set, and
>> we have that ref somewhere in DL_DIR, then using that ref is exactly what we
>> wants, and currently it doesn't work because bitbake insists on using the
>> network even when we tell it explicitely to do so.
>> I understand Tobias's point (that it has side effects) but I don't really
>> understand the idea that any SRC_URI with a ref should always fail with
> So I thought Tobias' patch made sense for the same reason you do,
> but I can live with having to set another variable to opt-in to
> that behavior. Clearly people have mixed opinions about this, but
> having the option to enable the behavior would be enough for us.
It seems that there is an assumption
BB_NO_NETWORK == reproducible build

That assumption is true for my "long term archive" use-case, but
definitely not for my airplane use-case.

  From a user experience point of view, it would make sense to "activate"
(or deactivate) reproducible build explicitely. That could trigger a
number of important QA tests that don't make sense for general consumption

but again, no-network is not reproducible build (they have some common
ideas, but there are cases where you want one but not the other) so the
two concepts should be separated...

> I can see the case for what Richard mentioned, that the upstream
> community layers (or other layers that forbid git tags) can use
> BB_NO_NETWORK to verify that no refs are being used in SRCREV.
> As this is an existing use case, it would probably be a bad idea
> to change it now.
so some sort of BB_NOT_REPRODUCIBLE variable (horrible name, please find
a better one :P )
> For your "long term archive" (as well as the airplane) use case,
> I think that you could probably use what Paul mentioned without
> the caveats we are facing; as (if I understood your case
> correctly) you aren't actively doing development on the sources,
> just reproducing builds offline.
yes for "long term" but "airplane" can't make that assumption. it's just
a dev on the move, or without general internet access...
more generally, I understand BB_NO_NETWORK as telling bitbake that no
network is not an error and it should work around it.

> We would like to avoid having two version strings (one being
> informational only), as this will probably lead to confusion as
> people are actually updating the recipes:
> Q: "why didn't my modification make it into the build?"
> A: "because you only updated PV, not SRCREV"
> Q: "why does the package manifest claim that this is the old
>      version even though my changes are in?"
> A: "because you only updated SRCREV, not PV"
I don't really understand that last part, I must admit I only use
pvserver, so I don't touch PV ususally.
I completely understand that having a proper, reproducible build
requires that you change all floating revs to fixed revs (including,
arguably, any git tag) but I don't understand why NO_NETWORK should
force fixed rev on the user...

it's mainly a problem of discussing the use-case for no-network... mine
doesn't work if you force no-floating-rev on me.

Nobody discussed the idea of using git-describe as a way around (or a
way to prettyfy) the SRCREV freeze. This way of decribing a commit is
both human readable and guaranteed unique (it contains a shortened SHA)

Hope this helps

> Hope this helps in clarifying a little :)

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