[bitbake-devel] question about BBVERSIONS OVERRIDES and PREFERRED_VERSION

张忠山 zzs213 at 126.com
Mon Aug 22 06:55:24 UTC 2016

I answer my first question

The reseaon is that PREFERRED_VERSION_xxx must in a conf file which 
should put data to global area.

So I edit my bitbake.conf. Now it is:


TMPDIR  = "${TOPDIR}/tmp"
CACHE   = "${TMPDIR}/cache"
STAMP   = "${TMPDIR}/stamps"
T       = "${TMPDIR}/work"
B       = "${TMPDIR}"

PREFERRED_VERSION_test = '1.1.7'

And my test.bb Now is:

PN = "test"
PV = ""

OVERRIDES .= "${@'test:' + ':'.join([x for x in '${BBVERSIONS}'.split()])}"
BBVERSIONS = "develop 1.1.7 pp"

NAME_1.1.7   = 'version is 1.1.7'
NAME_develop = 'version is develop'
NAME_pp = 'version is pp'

python do_build() {
     bb.plain("==%s==" % d.getVar('NAME', True))

Use 'bitbake test -e' to examine the overrides of var 'NAME', It is 
still not contain override for '1.1.7':

# $NAME [2 operations]
#   override[develop]:set 
#     "version is develop"
#   override[pp]:set 
#     "version is pp"
# pre-expansion value:
#   "version is pp"
NAME="version is pp"

Why ? I expect it should contain override for '1.1.7', like this:
And I found all NAME_xxx, where xxx is [a-z] all OK? I has no idea about 
Anybody help me?

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