[bitbake-devel] [RFC] bitbake: respect force flag in runall and runonly

Joshua Watt jpewhacker at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 18:34:27 UTC 2018

Specifying the force flag will now cause runall and runonly to
invalidate the tasks before running them.

Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <JPEWhacker at gmail.com>
 bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
index f2e52cf758c..9ae5c9cb177 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py
@@ -795,6 +795,21 @@ class RunQueueData:
             for depend in depends:
                 mark_active(depend, depth+1)
+        def invalidate_task(tid, error_nostamp):
+            (mc, fn, taskname, taskfn) = split_tid_mcfn(tid)
+            taskdep = self.dataCaches[mc].task_deps[taskfn]
+            if fn + ":" + taskname not in taskData[mc].taskentries:
+                logger.warning("Task %s does not exist, invalidating this task will have no effect" % taskname)
+            if 'nostamp' in taskdep and taskname in taskdep['nostamp']:
+                if error_nostamp:
+                    bb.fatal("Task %s is marked nostamp, cannot invalidate this task" % taskname)
+                else:
+                    bb.debug(1, "Task %s is marked nostamp, cannot invalidate this task" % taskname)
+            else:
+                logger.verbose("Invalidate task %s, %s", taskname, fn)
+                bb.parse.siggen.invalidate_task(taskname, self.dataCaches[mc], fn)
         self.target_tids = []
         for (mc, target, task, fn) in self.targets:
@@ -863,6 +878,8 @@ class RunQueueData:
                 for tid in list(runall_tids):
+                    if self.cooker.configuration.force:
+                        invalidate_task(tid, False)
             for tid in list(self.runtaskentries.keys()):
                 if tid not in runq_build:
@@ -884,6 +901,8 @@ class RunQueueData:
                 for tid in list(runonly_tids):
+                    if self.cooker.configuration.force:
+                        invalidate_task(tid, False)
             for tid in list(self.runtaskentries.keys()):
                 if tid not in runq_build:
@@ -1040,7 +1059,7 @@ class RunQueueData:
         # Create a whitelist usable by the stamp checks
         self.stampfnwhitelist = {}
-        for mc in self.taskData: 
+        for mc in self.taskData:
             self.stampfnwhitelist[mc] = []
             for entry in self.stampwhitelist.split():
                 if entry not in self.taskData[mc].build_targets:
@@ -1060,20 +1079,6 @@ class RunQueueData:
-        def invalidate_task(tid, error_nostamp):
-            (mc, fn, taskname, taskfn) = split_tid_mcfn(tid)
-            taskdep = self.dataCaches[mc].task_deps[taskfn]
-            if fn + ":" + taskname not in taskData[mc].taskentries:
-                logger.warning("Task %s does not exist, invalidating this task will have no effect" % taskname)
-            if 'nostamp' in taskdep and taskname in taskdep['nostamp']:
-                if error_nostamp:
-                    bb.fatal("Task %s is marked nostamp, cannot invalidate this task" % taskname)
-                else:
-                    bb.debug(1, "Task %s is marked nostamp, cannot invalidate this task" % taskname)
-            else:
-                logger.verbose("Invalidate task %s, %s", taskname, fn)
-                bb.parse.siggen.invalidate_task(taskname, self.dataCaches[mc], fn)
         # Invalidate task if force mode active

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