[bitbake-devel] [PATCH] fetch2: add ability to skip recipes when get_srcrev fails via BB_FETCH_SKIP_ON_SRCREV_ERROR

Chris Laplante chris.laplante at agilent.com
Fri Jul 26 13:54:08 UTC 2019

Sometimes it is desirable to just skip a recipe if the upstream(s) can't be
accessed by the user, rather than fail the whole build outright.

For example, in a corporate environment, sometimes certain git repositories
are access controlled. If privileged and non-privileged users share
the same Yocto layers, it would be nice for the non-privileged users to
be able to build the recipes they need, without tripping over parse
failures on the non-accessible recipes.

Signed-off-by: Chris Laplante <chris.laplante at agilent.com>
 lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py b/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py
index f6b5529..a165a77 100644
--- a/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py
@@ -741,55 +741,60 @@ def get_srcrev(d, method_name='sortable_revision'):
     that fetcher provides a method with the given name and the same signature as sortable_revision.
-    scms = []
-    fetcher = Fetch(d.getVar('SRC_URI').split(), d)
-    urldata = fetcher.ud
-    for u in urldata:
-        if urldata[u].method.supports_srcrev():
-            scms.append(u)
-    if len(scms) == 0:
-        raise FetchError("SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI")
-    if len(scms) == 1 and len(urldata[scms[0]].names) == 1:
-        autoinc, rev = getattr(urldata[scms[0]].method, method_name)(urldata[scms[0]], d, urldata[scms[0]].names[0])
-        if len(rev) > 10:
-            rev = rev[:10]
-        if autoinc:
-            return "AUTOINC+" + rev
-        return rev
-    #
-    # Mutiple SCMs are in SRC_URI so we resort to SRCREV_FORMAT
-    #
-    format = d.getVar('SRCREV_FORMAT')
-    if not format:
-        raise FetchError("The SRCREV_FORMAT variable must be set when multiple SCMs are used.\n"\
-                         "The SCMs are:\n%s" % '\n'.join(scms))
-    name_to_rev = {}
-    seenautoinc = False
-    for scm in scms:
-        ud = urldata[scm]
-        for name in ud.names:
-            autoinc, rev = getattr(ud.method, method_name)(ud, d, name)
-            seenautoinc = seenautoinc or autoinc
+    try:
+        scms = []
+        fetcher = Fetch(d.getVar('SRC_URI').split(), d)
+        urldata = fetcher.ud
+        for u in urldata:
+            if urldata[u].method.supports_srcrev():
+                scms.append(u)
+        if len(scms) == 0:
+            raise FetchError("SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI")
+        if len(scms) == 1 and len(urldata[scms[0]].names) == 1:
+            autoinc, rev = getattr(urldata[scms[0]].method, method_name)(urldata[scms[0]], d, urldata[scms[0]].names[0])
             if len(rev) > 10:
                 rev = rev[:10]
-            name_to_rev[name] = rev
-    # Replace names by revisions in the SRCREV_FORMAT string. The approach used
-    # here can handle names being prefixes of other names and names appearing
-    # as substrings in revisions (in which case the name should not be
-    # expanded). The '|' regular expression operator tries matches from left to
-    # right, so we need to sort the names with the longest ones first.
-    names_descending_len = sorted(name_to_rev, key=len, reverse=True)
-    name_to_rev_re = "|".join(re.escape(name) for name in names_descending_len)
-    format = re.sub(name_to_rev_re, lambda match: name_to_rev[match.group(0)], format)
-    if seenautoinc:
-        format = "AUTOINC+" + format
-    return format
+            if autoinc:
+                return "AUTOINC+" + rev
+            return rev
+        #
+        # Mutiple SCMs are in SRC_URI so we resort to SRCREV_FORMAT
+        #
+        format = d.getVar('SRCREV_FORMAT')
+        if not format:
+            raise FetchError("The SRCREV_FORMAT variable must be set when multiple SCMs are used.\n"\
+                             "The SCMs are:\n%s" % '\n'.join(scms))
+        name_to_rev = {}
+        seenautoinc = False
+        for scm in scms:
+            ud = urldata[scm]
+            for name in ud.names:
+                autoinc, rev = getattr(ud.method, method_name)(ud, d, name)
+                seenautoinc = seenautoinc or autoinc
+                if len(rev) > 10:
+                    rev = rev[:10]
+                name_to_rev[name] = rev
+        # Replace names by revisions in the SRCREV_FORMAT string. The approach used
+        # here can handle names being prefixes of other names and names appearing
+        # as substrings in revisions (in which case the name should not be
+        # expanded). The '|' regular expression operator tries matches from left to
+        # right, so we need to sort the names with the longest ones first.
+        names_descending_len = sorted(name_to_rev, key=len, reverse=True)
+        name_to_rev_re = "|".join(re.escape(name) for name in names_descending_len)
+        format = re.sub(name_to_rev_re, lambda match: name_to_rev[match.group(0)], format)
+        if seenautoinc:
+            format = "AUTOINC+" + format
+        return format
+    except FetchError as e:
+        if d.getVar('BB_WORKERCONTEXT') != '1' and bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("BB_FETCH_SKIP_ON_SRCREV_ERROR")):
+            raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe(e)
+        raise
 def localpath(url, d):
     fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([url], d)

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