[oe-commits] org.oe.dev classes/insane.bbclass: Add a small elf reader and check ABI, ARCH and Endian

freyther commit openembedded-commits at lists.openembedded.org
Sun Feb 18 23:18:42 UTC 2007

classes/insane.bbclass: Add a small elf reader and check ABI,ARCH and Endian

Add a small ELF parser and read OSABI, ABIVERSION, ENDIAN and MACHINE. This
code compares TARGET_OS and TARGET_ARCH to a list of known versions. Currently
we have values for linux and linux-uclibc for arm, armeb and powerpc. mips,
i386, amd64, ia64 are missing. ABI wise ARM EABI is missing as well, but koen
is likely to enter the values into the documented dict

Author: freyther at openembedded.org
Branch: org.openembedded.dev
Revision: 1d0feb92a2e4f460c5e492aab6caf4b7b100bbd9
ViewMTN: http://monotone.openembedded.org/revision.psp?id=1d0feb92a2e4f460c5e492aab6caf4b7b100bbd9

# mt diff -r7ebd06970e2c9296f4bd61b23d65e46063c41150 -r1d0feb92a2e4f460c5e492aab6caf4b7b100bbd9
# patch "classes/insane.bbclass"
#  from [6538fa2bc3ec58872af74fb0cf1b2696de4dbdf8]
#    to [4416500b22ebc2947a2a1304e2912150c16bae93]
--- classes/insane.bbclass	6538fa2bc3ec58872af74fb0cf1b2696de4dbdf8
+++ classes/insane.bbclass	4416500b22ebc2947a2a1304e2912150c16bae93
@@ -24,13 +24,115 @@ PACKAGEFUNCS += " do_package_qa "
 PACKAGE_DEPENDS += "pax-utils-native"
 PACKAGEFUNCS += " do_package_qa "
+# dictionary for elf headers
+# feel free to add and correct. the ARM EABI needs another column and we
+# need mips, i386 and amd64 input (abi versions)
+def package_qa_get_machine_dict():
+    return {
+            "linux" : { "arm" :       (40,    97,    0,          True),
+                        "armeb":      (40,    97,    0,          False),
+                        "powerpc":    (20,     0,    0,          False),
+                      },
+            "linux-uclibc" : { "arm" :       (40,    97,    0,          True),
+                        "armeb":      (40,    97,    0,          False),
+                        "powerpc":    (20,     0,    0,          False),
+                      },
+        }
+# factory for a class, embedded in a method
+def package_qa_get_elf(path):
+    class ELFFile:
+        EI_NIDENT = 16
+        EI_CLASS      = 4
+        EI_DATA       = 5
+        EI_VERSION    = 6
+        EI_OSABI      = 7
+        EI_ABIVERSION = 8
+        # possible values for EI_CLASS
+        ELFCLASSNONE = 0
+        ELFCLASS32   = 1
+        ELFCLASS64   = 2
+        # possible value for EI_VERSION
+        EV_CURRENT   = 1
+        # possible values for EI_DATA
+        ELFDATANONE  = 0
+        ELFDATA2LSB  = 1
+        ELFDATA2MSB  = 2
+        def my_assert(expectation, result):
+            if not expectation == result:
+                print "'%x','%x'" % (ord(expectation), ord(result))
+                raise "This does not work as expected"
+        my_assert = staticmethod(my_assert)
+        def __init__(self, name):
+            self.name = name
+        def open(self):
+            self.file = file(self.name, "r")
+            self.data = self.file.read(ELFFile.EI_NIDENT+4)
+            ELFFile.my_assert(len(self.data), ELFFile.EI_NIDENT+4)
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[0], chr(0x7f) )
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[1], 'E')
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[2], 'L')
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[3], 'F')
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[ELFFile.EI_CLASS], chr(ELFFile.ELFCLASS32)) # only 32 bits
+            ELFFile.my_assert(self.data[ELFFile.EI_VERSION], chr(ELFFile.EV_CURRENT) )
+            self.sex = self.data[ELFFile.EI_DATA]
+            if self.sex == chr(ELFFile.ELFDATANONE):
+                raise "Can't be"
+            elif self.sex == chr(ELFFile.ELFDATA2LSB):
+                print "little"
+                self.sex = "<"
+            elif self.sex == chr(ELFFile.ELFDATA2MSB):
+                print "big"
+                self.sex = ">"
+            else:
+                raise "Even more worse"
+        def osAbi(self):
+            return ord(self.data[ELFFile.EI_OSABI])
+        def abiVersion(self):
+            return ord(self.data[ELFFile.EI_ABIVERSION])
+        def isLittleEndian(self):
+            return self.sex == "<"
+        def isBigEngian(self):
+            return self.sex == ">"
+        def machine(self):
+            """
+            We know the sex stored in self.sex and we
+            know the position
+            """
+            import struct
+            (a,) = struct.unpack(self.sex+"H", self.data[18:20])
+            return a
+    return ELFFile(path)
 # Known Error classes
 # 0 - non dev contains .so
 # 1 - package contains a dangerous RPATH
 # 2 - package depends on debug package
 # 3 - non dbg contains .so
+# 4 - wrong architecture
@@ -59,6 +161,7 @@ def package_qa_write_error(error_class, 
         "package contains RPATH",
         "package depends on debug package",
         "non dbg contains .debug",
+        "wrong archutecture",
@@ -125,7 +228,34 @@ def package_qa_check_arch(path,name,d):
     Check if archs are compatible
+    import bb
+    target_os   = bb.data.getVar('TARGET_OS',   d, True)
+    target_arch = bb.data.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', d, True)
+    #this will throw an exception, then fix the dict above
+    (machine, osabi, abiversion, littleendian) = package_qa_get_machine_dict()[target_os][target_arch]
+    elf = package_qa_get_elf(path)
+    try:
+        elf.open()
+    except:
+        # just for debbugging to check the parser, remove once convinced...
+        bb.note("ELF reading failed on '%s'" % path)
+        return True
     sane = True
+    if not machine == elf.machine():
+        bb.error("Architecture did not match (%d to %d) on %s", (machine, elf.machine(), package_qa_clean_path(path,d)))
+        sane = package_qa_make_fatal_error( 4, name, path, d )
+    elif not osabi == elf.osAbi():
+        bb.error("OSABI did not match (%d to %d) on %s", (osabi, elf.osAbi(), package_qa_clean_path(path,d)))
+        sane = package_qa_make_fatal_error( 4, name, path, d )
+    elif not abiversion == elf.abiVersion():
+        bb.error("ABI version did not match (%d to %d) on %s", (abiversion, elf.abiVersion(), package_qa_clean_path(path,d)))
+        sane = package_qa_make_fatal_error( 4, name, path, d )
+    elif not littleendian == elf.isLittleEndian():
+        bb.error("Endiannes did not match (%d to %d) on %s", (littleendian, elf.isLittleEndian(), package_qa_clean_path(path,d)))
+        sane = package_qa_make_fatal_error( 4, name, path, d )
     return sane
 def package_qa_check_pcla(path,name,d):

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