[oe-commits] org.oe.dev turbostation: More init-stuff

nail commit openembedded-commits at lists.openembedded.org
Wed Mar 7 16:41:26 UTC 2007

turbostation: More init-stuff

Author: nail at nslu2-linux.org
Branch: org.openembedded.dev
Revision: 8f07b6986b1f181ee50813bc8f348da7b83c14ce
ViewMTN: http://monotone.openembedded.org/revision.psp?id=8f07b6986b1f181ee50813bc8f348da7b83c14ce

# mt diff -rc67676d2853710ab17c6b259fe6243b256de4dcd -r8f07b6986b1f181ee50813bc8f348da7b83c14ce
# add_dir "packages/openturbostation-init"
# add_dir "packages/openturbostation-init/files"
# add_dir "packages/openturbostation-init/files/boot"
# add_dir "packages/openturbostation-init/files/initscripts"
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/conffiles"
#  content [f1ace3f1649eab164c7a09a2b6e017f748b39dfa]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/functions"
#  content [003b4788d876a4e0821dd8f6c37330655763f20c]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/links.conf"
#  content [cbb6d9498021f0bd16cc118462c107fe022805fd]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/modulefunctions"
#  content [dee4339028f8485586183b3eb1b3300e6c56a424]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/reflash"
#  content [018401591f5718096bd756a8fb455c9a921e263c]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/sysconf"
#  content [4ce6fa9ab9b9c0186e446756897a03129a5ce7ef]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/files/turnup"
#  content [1284c9014511c5b14c9334d8119b11b52fbe5f23]
# add_file "packages/openturbostation-init/openprotium-init_0.10.bb"
#  content [51ecc64b680773948848ef33a03d59bc04acf305]
--- packages/openturbostation-init/files/conffiles	f1ace3f1649eab164c7a09a2b6e017f748b39dfa
+++ packages/openturbostation-init/files/conffiles	f1ace3f1649eab164c7a09a2b6e017f748b39dfa
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# conffiles
+# Known SlugOS configuration files.  These files are preserved on
+# a flash upgrade.  Other configuration files, found from:
+#    /usr/lib/ipkg/*.conffiles
+#    /etc/*.conf
+# are preserved too with an operation of 'diff' if they have been
+# changed since /etc/.configured was created.
+# Lines starting with # are comments, other lines have
+# two fields:
+# operation file 
+# The file must *NOT* have a leading /
+# operation may be:
+#   ignore    Do not preserve this file
+#   preserve  Preserve this file unconditionally
+#   diff      Compare file with the new version, ask if different
+preserve	linuxrc
+preserve	etc/.configured
+preserve	etc/TZ
+diff		etc/default/conffiles
+diff		etc/default/devpts
+preserve	etc/default/rcS
+preserve	etc/default/sysconf
+diff		etc/default/usbd
+preserve	etc/defaultdomain
+preserve	etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
+preserve	etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
+preserve	etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
+preserve	etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
+preserve	etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
+preserve	etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
+preserve	etc/fstab
+preserve	etc/group
+preserve	etc/gshadow
+preserve	etc/hostname
+preserve	etc/hosts
+preserve	etc/localtime
+ignore		etc/modules
+ignore		etc/modules.conf
+preserve	etc/motd
+preserve	etc/network/interfaces
+preserve	etc/ntp.drift
+preserve	etc/passwd
+preserve	etc/profile
+preserve	etc/resolv.conf
+preserve	etc/shadow
+preserve	etc/syslog.conf
+preserve	etc/timezone
+preserve	root/.ssh/authorized_keys
--- packages/openturbostation-init/files/functions	003b4788d876a4e0821dd8f6c37330655763f20c
+++ packages/openturbostation-init/files/functions	003b4788d876a4e0821dd8f6c37330655763f20c
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+# . this file to load the following utility functions
+# hardware
+#  the 'Hardware' string from cpuinfo, or, if not found
+#  try a little harder with 'machine'
+	local hdw
+        hdw=`sed -n 's!^Hardware	*: !!p' /proc/cpuinfo`
+	test -n "$hdw" || {
+		hdw=`sed -n 's!^machine		*: !!p' /proc/cpuinfo`
+	}
+	echo $hdw
+# machine
+#  outputs an identifier of the current machine - i.e. the board
+#  slugos is running on.
+	case "$(hardware)" in
+	*Coyote*)	echo coyote;;
+	*IXDPG425*)	echo ixdpg425;;
+	*WRV54G*)	echo wrv54g;;
+	*IXDP425*)	echo ixdp425;;
+	*IXDP465*)	echo ixdp465;;
+	*IXCDP1100*)	echo ixcdp1100*;;
+	*Avila*)	echo avila;;
+	*Loft*)		echo loft;;
+	*NAS?100d*)	echo nas100d;;
+	*NSLU2*)	echo nslu2;;
+	*StorCenter*)	echo storcenter;;
+	*)		echo unknown;;
+	esac
+# single_user_ok
+#  if the machine is capable of single user interaction return
+#  true, else return false.  The result of this function is
+#  preempted by setting SULOGIN to 'yes' or 'ok' in /etc/default/rcS
+single_user_ok() {
+	# list known good machines in the 'case'
+	test "$SULOGIN" = yes -o "$SULOGIN" = ok ||
+		case "$(machine)" in
+		ixdp*|avila|loft)
+			test "$SULOGIN" != never;;
+		*)	return 1;;
+		esac
+# load_functions "source"
+#  load the functions in '/sbin/source' - relies on /sbin/source being
+#  a shell script and having support for this function.
+	test -n "$1" -a -x "/sbin/$1" && . "/sbin/$1" || {
+		echo "$0: /sbin/$1: script not found" >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+# mtdev "name"
+#  return (output) the character device name for flash parition "name"
+#  /proc/mtd has the general form:
+#    dev:    size   erasesize  name
+#    mtd5: 00020000 00020000 "FIS directory"
+#  use this rather than hard-wiring the device because the partition
+#  table can change - looking in /proc/mtd is more reliable.
+	if test $(machine) = storcenter ; then                               
+	sed -n 's!^mtd\([0-9][0-9]*\):[^"]*"'"$1"'"$!/dev/mtd/\1!p' /proc/mtd
+	else
+	sed -n 's!^\(mtd[0-9][0-9]*\):[^"]*"'"$1"'"$!/dev/\1!p' /proc/mtd
+	fi
+# mtblockdev "name"
+#  as mtdev but output the name of the block (not character) device
+	if test "$(machine)" = storcenter ; then
+	sed -n 's!^mtd\([0-9][0-9]*\):[^"]*"'"$1"'"$!/dev/mtdblock/\1!p' /proc/mtd
+	else
+	sed -n 's!^mtd\([0-9][0-9]*\):[^"]*"'"$1"'"$!/dev/mtdblock\1!p' /proc/mtd
+	fi
+# mtsize "name"
+#  the size of the partition as a hexadecimal value (with 0x at the front)
+	sed -n 's!^mtd[0-9][0-9]*: \([^ ]*\)[^"]*"'"$1"'"$!0x\1!p' /proc/mtd
+# sysvalmatch "section" "name" 'pattern' "configuration file"
+# sysvalof "section" "name" "configuration file"
+# sysval "section" "name"
+#  outputs the value of the SysConf variable 'name' from section 'section',
+#  if there are multiple definitions only the last is output
+# NOTE: these functions should only be used internally, add entries to 'config'
+#  below if necessary.  This is because 'config' does the defaulting.
+	sed -n '/^\['"$1"'\]$/,/^\[.*\]$/s/^'"$2"'=\('"$3"'\)$/\1/p' "$4" | sed -n '$p'
+	sysvalmatch "$1" "$2" '.*' "$3"
+	test -r "$config_root/etc/default/sysconf" &&
+		sysvalof "$1" "$2" "$config_root/etc/default/sysconf"
+# syssection "section"
+#  outputs all the values from the given section changed to the format "name value"
+#  (i.e. the '=' is dropped).
+	test -r "$config_root/etc/default/sysconf" &&
+		sed -n '/^\['"$1"'\]$/,/^\[.*\]$/s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1 \2/p' "$config_root/etc/default/sysconf"
+# config "value"
+#  convenience callers for specific values to avoid mis-typing in scripts
+#  NOTE: this function does the defaulting, 'sysval' does not!
+# config_root: if set this will override the root where config/sysval
+#              looks for /etc/default/sysconf
+	local mac
+	mac="$(test -r /proc/net/maclist &&
+		sed -n '/^[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]$/p' /proc/net/maclist |
+		sed -n 1p)"
+	#
+	case "$1" in
+	mac)	test -n "$mac" && echo "$mac";;
+	host)	if test -n "$(sysval network disk_server_name)"
+		then
+			sysval network disk_server_name
+		elif test -n "$(sysval network default_server_name)"
+		then
+			sysval network default_server_name
+		elif test -n "$mac"
+		then
+			echo "$mac" | sed -n 's/^\(..\):\(..\):\(..\):\(..\):\(..\):\(..\)$/slug\1\2\3\4\5\6/p'
+		else
+			# because we want the name to remain constant:
+			echo "turbostation"
+		fi;;
+	domain)	sysval network w_d_name;;
+	iface)  if test -n "$(sysval network lan_interface)"
+		then
+			sysval network lan_interface
+		else
+			echo eth0
+		fi;;
+	ip)	if test -n "$(sysval network ip_addr)"
+		then
+			sysval network ip_addr
+		else
+			echo
+		fi;;
+	netmask)sysval network netmask;;
+	gateway)sysval network gateway;;
+	dns)	sysval network dns_server1;;
+	dns2)	sysval network dns_server2;;
+	dns3)	sysval network dns_server3;;
+	boot)	if test -n "$(sysval network bootproto)"
+		then
+			sysval network bootproto
+		else
+			echo dhcp
+		fi;;
+	valid)	test -r "$config_root/etc/default/sysconf" -a -n "$mac";;
+	*)	return 1;;
+	esac
+# checkif "iface"
+#  Validate an interface name by making sure that it exists
+#  in /proc/net/dev (and is not lo).  The listing outputs the
+#  interface followed by a :, the check function looks for
+#  something of the form '$1[a-zA-Z0-9]*:' and outputs the
+#  part preceding the ':'
+	sed -n '/^[ 	]*lo:/d;s/^[ 	]*\('"$1"'[a-zA-Z0-9]*\):.*$/\1/p;tE;d;:E;q' /proc/net/dev
+# checkmount "mountpoint"
+#  tests an already mounted mountpoint to see whether to attempt to
+#  boot with this as root.  Returns success if it appears ok.
+	# basic test for init (the kernel will try to load this)
+	# but require a shell in bin/sh too
+	test	\( -d "$1/mnt" \) -a \
+		\( -x "$1/bin/sh" -o -h "$1/bin/sh" \) -a \
+		\( -x "$1/usr/sbin/chroot" -o -h "$1/usr/sbin/chroot" -o \
+		   -x "$1/sbin/chroot" -o -h "$1/sbin/chroot" \) -a \
+		\( -x "$1/sbin/init" -o -h "$1/sbin/init" -o \
+		   -x "$1/etc/init" -o -h "$1/etc/init" -o \
+		   -x "$1/bin/init" -o -h "$1/bin/init" \)
+# swivel "new root" "old root"
+#  NOTE: the arguments must be paths relative to /, bad things
+#  will happen if the arguments themselves start with /
+#  Pivot to a new root.  This does all the fancy pivot_root stuff
+#  including closing streams and does a umount /proc - it doesn't
+#  matter if this fails (failure codes are ignored), but if /proc
+#  was mounted it must be restored by the caller on return.
+#  Normally this function never returns!
+#  On return 0,1,2 are connected to /dev/console - this may not
+#  have been true before!
+	cd "$1"
+	exec <&- >&- 2>&-
+	# This is just-in-case the called mounted /proc and was
+	# unable to close it because of the streams
+	umount /proc 2>/dev/null
+	if pivot_root . "$2"
+	then
+		# everything must move out of the old root, this process
+		# is $2/bin/sh so it must die, IO is redirected
+		# just in case - typically it will be to a device so it
+		# won't hold the old root open.
+		# the exec here is the first point at which the old root
+		# is unused - before the exec regardless of the close of
+		# 0,1,2 above ash still has *this* shell script open!
+		# (it's on fd 10).
+		# init closes all file descriptors, there's no point
+		# supplying it with fds.
+		# NOTE: this used to use $2/usr/sbin/chroot, however on
+		# linux / is already . when the command is executed
+		# therefore it is essential to use the local (new root)
+		# chroot to ensure it gets the correct shared libraries.
+		if test -x usr/sbin/chroot -o -h usr/sbin/chroot
+		then
+			chroot=usr/sbin/chroot
+		elif test -x sbin/chroot -o -h sbin/chroot
+		then
+			chroot=sbin/chroot
+		else
+			chroot=chroot
+		fi
+		#
+		exec "$chroot" . bin/sh -c "\
+			test -x sbin/init && exec sbin/init
+			test -x etc/init && exec etc/init
+			test -x bin/init && exec bin/init
+			mount -t sysfs sysfs /mnt
+			umount /mnt
+			sync;sync;sync
+			exit 1"
+	fi
+	#
+	# recovery - must restore the old root
+	cd "$2"
+	sbin/pivot_root . "$1"
+	# cd is back to $1 - either pivot_root doesn't change it and the
+	# chroot above was not executed, or pivot_root does change it and
+	# has just changed it back!
+	exec <>/dev/console >&0 2>&0
+# ifup "interface"
+#  bring that interface up with the configured ip and other
+#  information
+	local ip hostname router subnet iface HOSTNAME NETMASK BROADCAST
+	iface="$1"
+	ip="$(config ip)"
+	hostname="$(config host)"
+	router="$(config gateway)"
+	broadcast=
+	if test -n "$ip"
+	then
+		# only if an ip was specified
+		subnet="$(config netmask)"
+	else
+		ip=
+	fi
+	# First try udhcpc - note that the /boot/udhcpc.script
+	# simply records the values returned and the udhcpc
+	# is not left running so this will only work for
+	# the lease length time!
+	ifconfig "$iface" up
+	if test "$(config boot)" != static
+	then
+		test -n "$hostname" && HOSTNAME="-H $hostname"
+		# The script writes the required shell variable assignments
+		# to file descriptor 9
+		eval $(udhcpc -i "$iface" -n -q -r "$ip" $HOSTNAME -s /boot/udhcpc.script 9>&1 >/dev/null)
+	fi
+	test -n "$broadcast" && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
+	test -n "$subnet" && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
+	if ifconfig "$iface" "$ip" $NETMASK $BROADCAST
+	then
+		for route in $router
+		do
+			route add default gw "$route" dev "$iface"
+		done
+		return 0
+	else
+		ifconfig "$iface" down
+		return 1
+	fi
+# ifdown "interface"
+#  take the interface down
+	ifconfig "$1" down
+# mountflash "flash device" "flash root directory" {mount options}
+#  Finds and mounts the flash file system on the given directory
+	local ffsdev ffsdir
+	ffsdev="$1"
+	test -n "$ffsdev" -a -b "$ffsdev" || {
+		echo "$0: unable to find flash file system to copy ($ffsdev)" >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+	shift
+	ffsdir="$1"
+	test -n "$ffsdir" -a -d "$ffsdir" || {
+		echo "$0: mountflash $ffsdir: not a directory (internal error)" >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+	shift
+	mount -t jffs2 "$@" "$ffsdev" "$ffsdir" || {
+		echo "$0: $ffsdev: unable to mount flash file system on $ffsdir" >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+# umountflash [-r] "flash device"
+#  unmount any instance of the given flash device, if -r is specified a mount on
+#  root is an error, otherwise a mount on root is ignored (and remains).
+	local rootok ffsno ffsdev
+	rootok=1
+	case "$1" in
+	-r)	rootok=
+		shift;;
+	esac
+	#
+	# The argument is ffsdev
+	ffsdev="$1"
+	ffsno="$(devio "<<$ffsdev" prd)"
+	test -n "$ffsno" -a "$ffsno" -ge 0 || {
+		echo "$0: $ffsdev: device number $ffsno is not valid, cannot continue." >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+	#
+	# Make sure that Flashdisk isn't mounted on /
+	if test -z "$rootok" -a "$(devio "<</etc/init.d/sysconfsetup" prd)" -eq "$ffsno"
+	then
+		echo "$0: $ffsdev is mounted on /, use turnup ram" >&2
+		return 1
+	fi
+	#
+	# The function is currently always used interactively, so output 
+	echo "$0: umounting any existing mount of $ffsdev" >&2
+	#
+	# check each mount point, do this last first because otherwise nested
+	# mounts of ffsdev cannot be umounted.
+	ffs_umount() {
+		local device mp type options stuff
+		read device mp type options stuff
+		test -z "$device" && return 0
+		# handle following entries first
+		ffs_umount || return 1
+		# handle this entry, since this is currently only used for unmounting
+		# the flash root partition we know a file which must exist...
+		case "$mp/$type" in
+		//jffs2);; # skip /
+		*/jffs2)test "$(devio "<<$mp/etc/init.d/sysconfsetup" prd 2>/dev/null)" -ne "$ffsno" ||
+			umount "$mp" || {
+				echo "$0: $mp: unable to umount $ffsdev" >&2
+				return 1
+			};;
+		esac
+		return 0
+	}
+	#
+	ffs_umount </proc/mounts || {
+		echo "$0: umount $ffsdev from all mount points then re-run $0" >&2
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+# uuid_by_partition
+#  output a list of partitions and their UUIDs
+uuid_by_partition() {
+	blkid -c /dev/null -s UUID | sed -n 's/^\([^:]*\): .*UUID="\([^"]*\)".*$/\1 \2/p'
+# partition_of uuid
+#  return the partition corresponding to the UUID
+partition_of() {
+	sed -n 's/^\([^ ]*\) '"$1"'$/\1/p'
--- packages/openturbostation-init/files/links.conf	cbb6d9498021f0bd16cc118462c107fe022805fd
+++ packages/openturbostation-init/files/links.conf	cbb6d9498021f0bd16cc118462c107fe022805fd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This file does not exist. Please do not ask the debian maintainer about it.
+# You may use it to do strange and wonderful things, at your risk.
+# The new RTC class does not create the /dev/rtc symlink, and udev rules don't get run for built-in modules.
+# So it looks like we have to do this here for the moment, until someone comes up with a better idea ...
+L rtc		rtc0

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