[oe-commits] org.oe.dev webkit-gtk updated to actual SVN snapshot 32839:

utx commit oe at amethyst.openembedded.net
Sun May 4 00:42:31 UTC 2008

webkit-gtk updated to actual SVN snapshot 32839:
* no more ugly midori crashes in curl callbacks
* renders 95/100 in Acid3

Author: utx at openembedded.org
Branch: org.openembedded.dev
Revision: be8d67463e92541aef0fb01adcc6585aede7f599
ViewMTN: http://monotone.openembedded.org/revision/info/be8d67463e92541aef0fb01adcc6585aede7f599

# mt diff -r9784b47b36a685e0be655fb6a7449d2868b4b934 -rbe8d67463e92541aef0fb01adcc6585aede7f599
# add_dir "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk"
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/GNUmakefile.am"
#  content [3fa55447d194f071e732102b5c13bc3d1d73e8ea]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile"
#  content [45c43d087d496c1ad06572aa5f3a45d0d522bf49]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile.shared"
#  content [425c017b0f4d7e55a36af684ed738656aafeeead]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/WebKit.pri"
#  content [fd870b3307fb95ac907a4095ab79658dd7879277]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/WebKit.pro"
#  content [1e5c7f9961944af590055c84c58d1acabab3632b]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/autogen.sh"
#  content [aa58f66750dc6ee25269a29dd5ba9558fbb3ef9d]
# add_file "packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/configure.ac"
#  content [026e427444b23ac308a2c3f79cd91a90efe7b2b3]
# patch "conf/distro/include/sane-srcrevs.inc"
#  from [2a8d95384edcc2c692a0ed61a1977601f9e22b15]
#    to [aa5b5d5f2b35e5caadd9d80cc912891617afe639]
--- packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/GNUmakefile.am	3fa55447d194f071e732102b5c13bc3d1d73e8ea
+++ packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/GNUmakefile.am	3fa55447d194f071e732102b5c13bc3d1d73e8ea
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# Top-level Makefile rule for automake
+# Variable conventions:
+# _h_api            = API headers that will be installed and included in the distribution
+# _cppflags         = flags that will be passed to the C/CXX Preprocessor
+# _sources          = sources that will be compiled and included in the distribution
+# _headers          = header files that will be part of the distribution
+# _built_sources    = files that will be autogenerated by the build system and
+#                     will be part of the _SOURCES primary
+# _built_nosources  = files that are autogenerated but are not part of the
+#                     _SOURCES primary
+# _cleanfiles       = files that will be removed by the clean target
+# Sources, headers, flags, etc... should be added to the respective variables
+# with the above suffix, e.g, webcore-specific sources should go to
+# webcore_sources, gtk port-specific flags should go to webkitgtk_cppflags,
+# etc... The only exceptions are the global variables. See Global Variables below.
+# Global Variables
+# global_cppflags   = CPPFLAGS that apply to JSC, WebCore, and to any
+#                     specific port
+# global_cflags     = CFLAGS that apply to JSC, WebCore, and to
+#                     any specific port
+# global_cxxflags   = CXXFLAGS that apply to JSC, WebCore, and to any
+#                     specific port
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+# Directory for autogenerated sources
+GENSOURCES := $(top_builddir)/DerivedSources
+GENPROGRAMS := $(top_builddir)/Programs
+# Script for creating hash tables
+CREATE_HASH_TABLE = $(srcdir)/JavaScriptCore/kjs/create_hash_table
+# Libraries and support components
+noinst_PROGRAMS :=
+# Files that will be distributed
+# Global flags to CPP
+global_cppflags :=
+global_cppflags += \
+# Default compiler flags
+global_cflags := \
+	-Wall -W -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wreturn-type \
+	-Wformat -Wformat-security -Wno-format-y2k -Wundef \
+	-Wmissing-format-attribute -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings \
+	-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses
+global_cxxflags := \
+global_cflags += \
+	-fno-exceptions \
+global_cxxflags += \
+	-fno-rtti
+# Shared libraries
+	libwebkit-1.0.la
+# Convenience libraries
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = \
+	libJavaScriptCore.la \
+	libWebCore.la
+# JavaScriptCore
+javascriptcore_h_api :=
+javascriptcore_sources :=
+javascriptcore_built_sources :=
+javascriptcore_built_nosources :=
+javascriptcore_cppflags += \
+	-I$(srcdir)/JavaScriptCore \
+	-I$(srcdir)/JavaScriptCore/ForwardingHeaders \
+	-I$(srcdir)/JavaScriptCore/wtf \
+	-I$(srcdir)/JavaScriptCore/kjs \
+	-I$(top_builddir)/DerivedSources
+# The variables above are already included below so no need to touch
+# these variables unless you really have to
+nodist_EXTRA_libJavaScriptCore_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(javascriptcore_built_nosources)
+nodist_libJavaScriptCore_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(javascriptcore_built_sources)
+libJavaScriptCore_ladir = $(prefix)/include/webkit-1.0/JavaScriptCore
+libJavaScriptCore_la_HEADERS = $(javascriptcore_h_api)
+libJavaScriptCore_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(javascriptcore_sources)
+libJavaScriptCore_la_LIBADD = \
+	-lpthread
+libJavaScriptCore_la_CXXFLAGS = \
+	$(global_cxxflags) \
+	$(global_cflags) \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing
+libJavaScriptCore_la_CFLAGS = \
+	$(global_cflags) \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing
+libJavaScriptCore_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+	$(global_cppflags) \
+	$(javascriptcore_cppflags)
+# WebCore
+webcore_cppflags :=
+webcore_sources :=
+webcore_headers :=
+webcore_libadd :=
+webcore_built_sources :=
+webcore_built_nosources :=
+nodist_libWebCore_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(webcore_built_sources)
+libWebCore_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(webcore_headers) \
+	$(webcore_sources)
+libWebCore_la_CXXFLAGS = \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing \
+	$(global_cxxflags) \
+	$(global_cflags) \
+libWebCore_la_CFLAGS = \
+	-fno-strict-aliasing \
+	$(global_cflags) \
+libWebCore_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+	$(global_cppflags) \
+	$(webcore_cppflags) \
+	$(javascriptcore_cppflags) \
+	$(webkitgtk_cppflags) \
+libWebCore_la_LIBADD = \
+	libJavaScriptCore.la \
+	$(webcore_libadd) \
+	-lpthread \
+	-ljpeg
+# WebKit
+webkitgtk_h_api :=
+webkitgtk_headers :=
+webkitgtk_sources :=
+webkitgtk_cppflags :=
+webkitgtk_built_sources :=
+webkitgtk_built_nosources :=
+webkitgtk_cleanfiles :=
+nodist_libwebkit_1_0_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(webkitgtk_built_sources)
+libwebkit_1_0_ladir = $(prefix)/include/webkit-1.0/webkit
+libwebkit_1_0_la_HEADERS = $(webkitgtk_h_api)
+libwebkit_1_0_la_SOURCES = \
+	$(webkitgtk_headers) \
+	$(webkitgtk_sources)
+libwebkit_1_0_la_CXXFLAGS = \
+	$(libWebCore_la_CXXFLAGS)
+libwebkit_1_0_la_CFLAGS = \
+	$(libWebCore_la_CFLAGS)
+libwebkit_1_0_la_CPPFLAGS = \
+	$(libWebCore_la_CPPFLAGS)
+libwebkit_1_0_la_LDFLAGS = \
+	-version-info @LIBWEBKITGTK_VERSION@
+libwebkit_1_0_la_LIBADD = \
+	libWebCore.la
+# Extra checks and flags
+global_cppflags += \
+global_cppflags += \
+if TARGET_X11
+global_cppflags += -DXP_UNIX
+webcore_libadd += -lXt
+global_cppflags += -DNDEBUG
+webkitgtk_cppflags += \
+# Might be useful in the future
+global_cppflags += -DENABLE_DATABASE=0
+global_cppflags += -DENABLE_ICONDATABASE=0
+global_cppflags += \
+webcore_libadd += -lgstinterfaces-0.10 -lgstvideo-0.10
+webkitgtk_cppflags += \
+-I$(top_builddir)/WebKit/gtk/webkit \
+webkitgtk_h_api += \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkit.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitdefines.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitnetworkrequest.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebbackforwardlist.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebframe.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebhistoryitem.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebsettings.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebview.h
+webkitgtk_built_sources += \
+	DerivedSources/webkit-marshal.h \
+	DerivedSources/webkit-marshal.cpp
+webkitgtk_headers += \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitprivate.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/ContextMenuClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/DragClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/EditorClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/InspectorClientGtk.h \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/PasteboardHelperGtk.h
+webkitgtk_sources += \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitnetworkrequest.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitprivate.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebbackforwardlist.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebframe.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebhistoryitem.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebsettings.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitwebview.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/ContextMenuClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/DragClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/EditorClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/InspectorClientGtk.cpp \
+	WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport/PasteboardHelperGtk.cpp
+webkitgtk_cleanfiles += \
+	$(top_builddir)/Programs/GtkLauncher \
+	$(top_builddir)/WebKit/gtk/webkit-1.0.pc
+pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = WebKit/gtk/webkit-1.0.pc
+WEBKIT_MARSHAL = $(GENSOURCES)/webkit-marshal
+WEBKIT_MARSHAL_LIST = $(srcdir)/WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkit-marshal.list
+stamp_files := \
+	stamp-webkit-marshal.cpp \
+	stamp-webkit-marshal.h
+DerivedSources/webkit-marshal.cpp: stamp-webkit-marshal.cpp
+	@true
+DerivedSources/webkit-marshal.h: stamp-webkit-marshal.h
+	@true
+stamp-webkit-marshal.cpp: $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL_LIST)
+	echo "extern \"C\" {" > $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL).cpp && \
+	$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=webkit_marshal $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL_LIST) --body >> $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL).cpp && echo '}' >> $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL).cpp && \
+	echo timestamp > $(@F)
+stamp-webkit-marshal.h: $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL_LIST)
+	$(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=webkit_marshal $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL_LIST) --header > $(WEBKIT_MARSHAL).h && \
+	echo timestamp > $(@F)
+# Files that will be cleaned
+CLEANFILES := $(stamp_files) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+# Include module makefiles
+include JavaScriptCore/GNUmakefile.am
+include WebCore/GNUmakefile.am
+include WebKitTools/GNUmakefile.am
+# Autogenerated sources
+	$(javascriptcore_built_sources) \
+	$(javascriptcore_built_nosources) \
+	$(webcore_built_sources) \
+	$(webcore_built_nosources) \
+	$(webkitgtk_built_sources) \
+	$(webkitgtk_built_nosources)
+# Project-wide clean rules
+	$(webkitgtk_cleanfiles)
+	$(srcdir)/aconfig.h.in \
+	configure \
+	config.* \
+	GNUmakefile.in \
+# remove built sources and program directories
--- packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile	45c43d087d496c1ad06572aa5f3a45d0d522bf49
+++ packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile	45c43d087d496c1ad06572aa5f3a45d0d522bf49
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+MODULES = JavaScriptCore JavaScriptGlue WebCore WebKit WebKitTools
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+debug d development dev develop:
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+release r deployment dep deploy:
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+universal u:
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
+	@for dir in $(MODULES); do ${MAKE} $@ -C $$dir; exit_status=$$?; \
+	if [ $$exit_status -ne 0 ]; then exit $$exit_status; fi; done
--- packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile.shared	425c017b0f4d7e55a36af684ed738656aafeeead
+++ packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/Makefile.shared	425c017b0f4d7e55a36af684ed738656aafeeead
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SCRIPTS_PATH ?= ../WebKitTools/Scripts
+XCODE_OPTIONS = `perl -I$(SCRIPTS_PATH) -Mwebkitdirs -e 'print XcodeOptionString()'` $(ARGS)
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+debug d development dev develop: force
+	$(SCRIPTS_PATH)/set-webkit-configuration --debug
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+release r deployment dep deploy: force
+	$(SCRIPTS_PATH)/set-webkit-configuration --release
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+universal u: force
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) 'ARCHS=ppc i386' | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+x86_64: force
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) 'ARCHS=x86_64' | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+64: force
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) 'ARCHS=i386 x86_64' | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+64u: force
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) $(XCODE_OPTIONS) 'ARCHS=ppc ppc64 i386 x86_64' | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+	( xcodebuild $(OTHER_OPTIONS) -alltargets clean $(XCODE_OPTIONS) | grep -v setenv && exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]} )
+force: ;
--- packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/WebKit.pri	fd870b3307fb95ac907a4095ab79658dd7879277
+++ packages/webkit/webkit-gtk/WebKit.pri	fd870b3307fb95ac907a4095ab79658dd7879277
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Include file to make it easy to include WebKit into Qt projects
+isEmpty(OUTPUT_DIR) {
+    CONFIG(release):OUTPUT_DIR=$$PWD/WebKitBuild/Release
+    CONFIG(debug):OUTPUT_DIR=$$PWD/WebKitBuild/Debug
+!gtk-port:CONFIG += qt-port
+qt-port:DEFINES += BUILDING_QT__=1
+qt-port:!building-libs {
+    LIBS += -lQtWebKit
+    DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/WebKit/qt/Api
+gtk-port:!building-libs {
+    LIBS += -lWebKitGtk
+    DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/WebKit/gtk $$PWD/WebKit/gtk/WebCoreSupport $$PWD/WebKit/gtk/webkit
+gtk-port {
+    CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
+    # We use FreeType directly with Cairo
+    PKGCONFIG += cairo-ft
+    directfb: PKGCONFIG += cairo-directfb gtk+-directfb-2.0
+    else: PKGCONFIG += cairo gtk+-2.0
+    # Set a CONFIG flag for the GTK+ target (x11, quartz, win32, directfb)
+    CONFIG += $$system(pkg-config --variable=target $$PKGCONFIG)
+    # We use the curl http backend on all platforms
+    PKGCONFIG += libcurl
+    LIBS += -lWebKitGtk -ljpeg -lpng
+    QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$system(icu-config --cppflags)
+    QMAKE_LIBS += $$system(icu-config --ldflags)
+    # This set of warnings is borrowed from the Mac build
+    QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wall -W -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wno-format-y2k -Wno-unused-parameter -Wundef
+    # These flags are based on optimization experience from the Mac port:
+    # Helps code size significantly an%s

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