[oe-commits] Chris Larson : Implement variable typing

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Fri Apr 22 17:52:27 UTC 2011

Module: openembedded.git
Branch: shr/testing2011.1
Commit: 78810c941391ae4b155b02818193e971f0d5a7c0
URL:    http://gitweb.openembedded.net/?p=openembedded.git&a=commit;h=78810c941391ae4b155b02818193e971f0d5a7c0

Author: Chris Larson <chris_larson at mentor.com>
Date:   Tue Nov  9 14:48:13 2010 -0700

Implement variable typing

This implementation consists of two components:

- oe.types python module, whose job it is to construct objects of the defined
  type for a given variable in the metadata
- typecheck.bbclass, which iterates over all configuration variables with a
  type defined and uses oe.types to check the validity of the values

This gives us a few benefits:

- Automatic sanity checking of all configuration variables with a defined type
- Avoid duplicating the "how do I make use of the value of this variable"
  logic between its users.  For variables like PATH, this is simply a split(),
  for boolean variables, the duplication can result in confusing, or even
  mismatched semantics (is this 0/1, empty/nonempty, what?)
- Make it easier to create a configuration UI, as the type information could
  be used to provide a better interface than a text edit box (e.g checkbox for
  'boolean', dropdown for 'choice')

This functionality is entirely opt-in right now.  To enable the configuration
variable type checking, simply INHERIT += "typecheck".  Example of a failing
type check:

BAZ = "foo"
BAZ[type] = "boolean"

$ bitbake -p
FATAL: BAZ: Invalid boolean value 'foo'

Examples of leveraging oe.types in a python snippet:

PACKAGES[type] = "list"

python () {
    import oe.types
    for pkg in oe.types.value("PACKAGES", d):
        bb.note("package: %s" % pkg)

LIBTOOL_HAS_SYSROOT[type] = "boolean"

python () {
    import oe.types
    assert(oe.types.value("LIBTOOL_HAS_SYSROOT", d) == True)

Signed-off-by: Chris Larson <chris_larson at mentor.com>


 classes/typecheck.bbclass |   12 ++++++
 lib/oe/_types.py          |   59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/oe/test_types.py      |   56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/oe/types.py           |   97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/classes/typecheck.bbclass b/classes/typecheck.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646cd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/typecheck.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Check types of bitbake configuration variables
+# See oe.types for details.
+python check_types() {
+    import oe.types
+    if isinstance(e, bb.event.ConfigParsed):
+        for key in e.data.keys():
+            if e.data.getVarFlag(key, "type"):
+                oe.types.value(key, e.data)
+addhandler check_types
diff --git a/lib/oe/_types.py b/lib/oe/_types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91afb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/oe/_types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import re
+class OEList(list):
+    name = "list"
+    def __init__(self, value, separator = None):
+        if value is not None:
+            list.__init__(self, value.split(separator))
+        else:
+            list.__init__(self)
+        if separator is None:
+            self.separator = " "
+        else:
+            self.separator = separator
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.separator.join(self)
+def choice(value, choices):
+    if not isinstance(value, basestring):
+        raise TypeError("choice accepts a string, not '%s'" % type(value))
+    value = value.lower()
+    choices = choices.lower()
+    if value not in choices.split():
+        raise ValueError("Invalid choice '%s'.  Valid choices: %s" %
+                         (value, choices))
+    return value
+def regex(value, regexflags=None):
+    flagval = 0
+    if regexflags:
+        for flag in regexflags.split():
+            flag = flag.upper()
+            try:
+                flagval |= getattr(re, flag)
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid regex flag '%s'" % flag)
+    try:
+        return re.compile(value, flagval)
+    except re.error, exc:
+        raise ValueError("Invalid regex value '%s': %s" %
+                         (value, exc.args[0]))
+def boolean(value):
+    if not isinstance(value, basestring):
+        raise TypeError("boolean accepts a string, not '%s'" % type(value))
+    value = value.lower()
+    if value in ('yes', 'y', 'true', 't', '1'):
+        return True
+    elif value in ('no', 'n', 'false', 'f', '0'):
+        return False
+    raise ValueError("Invalid boolean value '%s'" % value)
+def integer(value):
+    return int(value)
diff --git a/lib/oe/test_types.py b/lib/oe/test_types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..494abfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/oe/test_types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import unittest
+from oe.types import create, factory
+class TestTypes(unittest.TestCase):
+    def assertIsInstance(self, obj, cls):
+        return self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, cls))
+    def assertIsNot(self, obj, other):
+        return self.assertFalse(obj is other)
+    def assertFactoryCreated(self, value, type, **flags):
+        obj = factory(type)
+        self.assertIsNot(obj, None)
+        self.assertIsInstance(create(value, type, **flags), obj)
+class TestBooleanType(TestTypes):
+    def test_boolean(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, create, '', 'boolean')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, create, 'foo', 'boolean')
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, create, object(), 'boolean')
+    def test_boolean_true(self):
+        self.assertEqual(create('y', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('yes', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('1', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('t', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('true', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('TRUE', 'boolean'), True)
+        self.assertEqual(create('truE', 'boolean'), True)
+    def test_boolean_false(self):
+        self.assertEqual(create('n', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('no', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('0', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('f', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('false', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('FALSE', 'boolean'), False)
+        self.assertEqual(create('faLse', 'boolean'), False)
+class TestList(TestTypes):
+    def assertListEqual(self, value, valid, sep=None):
+        obj = create(value, 'list', separator=sep)
+        self.assertEqual(obj, valid)
+        if sep is not None:
+            self.assertEqual(obj.separator, sep)
+        self.assertEqual(str(obj), obj.separator.join(obj))
+    def test_list_nosep(self):
+        testlist = ['alpha', 'beta', 'theta']
+        self.assertListEqual('alpha beta theta', testlist)
+        self.assertListEqual('alpha  beta\ttheta', testlist)
+        self.assertListEqual('alpha', ['alpha'])
+    def test_list_usersep(self):
+        self.assertListEqual('foo:bar', ['foo', 'bar'], ':')
+        self.assertListEqual('foo:bar:baz', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ':')
diff --git a/lib/oe/types.py b/lib/oe/types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963e964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/oe/types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Constructs objects of the specified type for a given variable in the
+# metadata.  The 'type' flag of the variable defines which of the factory
+# functions in this module will be called.
+# If no type is defined, the value() function will simply return the expanded
+# string value as is.
+import bb
+import inspect
+import _types
+types = {}
+class MissingFlag(TypeError):
+    def __init__(self, flag, type):
+        self.flag = flag
+        self.type = type
+        TypeError.__init__(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Type '%s' requires flag '%s'" % (self.type, self.flag)
+def factory(var_type):
+    try:
+        return types[var_type]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise TypeError("Invalid type '%s'" % var_type)
+def create(value, var_type, **flags):
+    obj = factory(var_type)
+    objflags = {}
+    for flag in obj.flags:
+        if flag not in flags:
+            if flag not in obj.optflags:
+                raise MissingFlag(flag, var_type)
+        else:
+            objflags[flag] = flags[flag]
+    return obj(value, **objflags)
+def value(key, d):
+    """Construct a value for a metadata variable, based upon its flags"""
+    var_type = d.getVarFlag(key, 'type')
+    flags = d.getVarFlags(key)
+    try:
+        return create(d.getVar(key, True) or '', var_type, **flags)
+    except (TypeError, ValueError), exc:
+        bb.fatal("%s: %s" % (key, str(exc)))
+def get_callable_args(obj):
+    """Grab all but the first argument of the specified callable, returning
+    the list, as well as a list of which of the arguments have default
+    values."""
+    if type(obj) is type:
+        obj = obj.__init__
+    args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(obj)
+    flaglist = []
+    if args:
+        if len(args) > 1 and args[0] == 'self':
+            args = args[1:]
+        flaglist.extend(args)
+    optional = set()
+    if defaults:
+        optional |= set(flaglist[-len(defaults):])
+    return flaglist, optional
+def factory_setup(name, obj):
+    """Prepare a factory for use by oe.types"""
+    args, optional = get_callable_args(obj)
+    extra_args = args[1:]
+    if extra_args:
+        obj.flags, optional = extra_args, optional
+        obj.optflags = set(optional)
+    else:
+        obj.flags = obj.optflags = ()
+    if not hasattr(obj, 'name'):
+        obj.name = name
+def register(name, factory):
+    factory_setup(name, factory)
+    types[factory.name] = factory
+# Set the 'flags' and 'optflags' attributes of all our types
+for name in dir(_types):
+    if name.startswith('_'):
+        continue
+    obj = getattr(_types, name)
+    if not callable(obj):
+        continue
+    register(name, obj)

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