[oe-commits] Khem Raj : testlab.bbclass: Delete

git at git.openembedded.org git at git.openembedded.org
Tue Aug 7 10:31:37 UTC 2012

Module: meta-openembedded.git
Branch: master
Commit: bc58a1e1c0f6e1c651568c68c47ab63e4cfc0e7b
URL:    http://git.openembedded.org/?p=meta-openembedded.git&a=commit;h=bc58a1e1c0f6e1c651568c68c47ab63e4cfc0e7b

Author: Khem Raj <raj.khem at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 31 18:56:15 2012 +0000

testlab.bbclass: Delete

This functionality is now provided by buildhistory as well.
so lets remove it in favor of that

Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen at dominion.thruhere.net>


 meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass |  114 ---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass b/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index c097e9e..0000000
--- a/meta-oe/classes/testlab.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Performs various tests and analysises on images
-# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Koen Kooi <koen at openembedded.org> 
-# The current features are:
-# 1) dump a list of installed packages
-# 2) dump a list of sizes of installed packages
-# 3) dependency graphs of installed packages
-# See 
-#  * http://dominion.thruhere.net/koen/cms/the-testlab-strikes-again
-#  * http://dominion.thruhere.net/koen/cms/package-relations-inside-images
-#  for use cases
-# TODO: 
-# * log information to a server for safekeeping
-# * use git notes to record this info into the scm
-# * add test suite to run on the target device 
-# Needs 'dot', 'opkg-cl'
-do_testlab() {
-if [ -e  ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/opkg ] && [ "${ONLINE_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT}" = "full" ] ; then
-        mkdir -p ${TESTLAB_DIR}/
-        mkdir -p ${IPKG_TMP_DIR}/
-	ls -laR ${IMAGE_ROOTFS} > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/files-in-image.txt 	
-	echo > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt
-	echo -e "digraph depends {\n    node [shape=plaintext]" > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
-	for pkg in $(opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} list_installed | awk '{print $1}') ; do 
-		name=`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk '/^Package/ {printf $2"_"}'`
-		name=$name`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk -F: '/^Version/ {printf $NF"_"}' | sed 's/^\s*//g'`
-		name=$name`opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep -B 7 -A 7 "^Status.* \(\(installed\)\|\(unpacked\)\)" | awk '/^Archi/ {print $2".ipk"}'`
-		echo $name >>${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt
-    		for depends in $(opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep ^Depends) ; do 
-        		echo "$pkg OPP $depends;" | grep -v "(" | grep -v ")" | grep -v "$pkg OPP Depends" | sed -e 's:,::g' -e 's:-:_:g' -e 's:\.:_:g' -e 's:+::g' |sed 's:OPP:->:g' >> ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
-    		done
-		for recommends in $(opkg-cl ${IPKG_ARGS} info $pkg | grep ^Recom) ; do
-        		echo "$pkg OPP $recommends [style=dotted];" | grep -v "(" | grep -v ")" | grep -v "$pkg OPP Recom" | sed -e 's:,::g' -e 's:-:_:g' -e 's:\.:_:g' -e 's:+::g' |sed 's:OPP:->:g' >> ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
-    		done
-	done
-	echo "}" >>  ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
-	rm -rf ${IPKG_TMP_DIR}
-	grep -v kernel_2 ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot | grep -v kernel_image > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel.dot
-	grep -v libc6 ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel.dot | grep -v libgcc > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc.dot
-	grep -v update_ ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc.dot > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.dot
-        grep -v kernel_module ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.dot > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate-nomodules.dot
-	#dot has some library troubles when run under fakeroot, uncomment at your own risk
-	#dot -Tpng -o ${TESTLAB_DIR}/image-dependencies.png  ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends.dot
-	#dot -Tpng -o ${TESTLAB_DIR}/image-dependencies-nokernel-nolibc.png ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc.dot
-	#dot -Tpng -o ${TESTLAB_DIR}/image-dependencies-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.png ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate.dot
-	#dot -Tpng -o ${TESTLAB_DIR}/image-dependencies-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate-nomodules.png ${TESTLAB_DIR}/depends-nokernel-nolibc-noupdate-nomodules.dot
-	for file in $(cat ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt) ; do 
-     		du -k $(find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK} -name "$file") | head -n1
-	done | grep "\.ipk" | sed -e s:${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}::g | sort -n -r | awk '{print $1 "\tKiB " $2}' > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-package-sizes.txt
-	for file in $(cat ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-packages.txt) ; do
-		echo "`find ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK} -name "$file" | xargs opkg-list-fields | grep ^License | sed -e 's/^.*:[ \t]*//g'`" '=' $(echo $file | awk -F_ '{print $1}')
-	done | awk -F= '{printf("%50s:%s\n", $1, $2)}' > ${TESTLAB_DIR}/installed-package-licenses.txt
-	# Log results to a git controlled directory structure than can be pushed to a remote location
-	if [ "${TESTLABLOG}" = "remote" ] && [ -n "${TESTLABREMOTEDIR}" ] ; then
-		# force change to record builds where the testlab contents didn't change, but other things (e.g. git rev) did
-		echo "${@testlab_get_layers(bb, d)}" >> ${TESTLABREMOTEDIR}/${TESTLABLOGDIR}/build-id
-		# This runs inside fakeroot, so the git author is listed as root (or whatever root configured it to be) :(
-		  git add ${TESTLABLOGDIR}/*
-		  git commit ${TESTLABLOGDIR}/ -m "${MACHINE}: ${IMAGE_BASENAME} configured for ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VERSION} using branch ${METADATA_BRANCH} and revision ${METADATA_REVISION}" --author "testlab <testlab@${DISTRO}>" || true)
-	fi
-IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "  do_testlab ;"
-def testlab_get_layers(bb, d):
-	layers = (bb.data.getVar("BBLAYERS", d, 1) or "").split()
-	layers_branch_rev = ["%-17s = \"%s:%s\"" % (os.path.basename(i), \
-		base_get_metadata_git_branch(i, None).strip().strip('()'), \
-		base_get_metadata_git_revision(i, None)) \
-			for i in layers]
-	i = len(layers_branch_rev)-1
-	p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
-	s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
-	while i > 0:
-		p2 = layers_branch_rev[i-1].find("=")
-		s2= layers_branch_rev[i-1][p2:]
-		if s1 == s2:
-			layers_branch_rev[i-1] = layers_branch_rev[i-1][0:p2]
-			i -= 1
-		else:
-			i -= 1
-			p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
-			s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
-	layertext = "Configured Openembedded layers:\n%s\n" % '\n'.join(layers_branch_rev)
-	return layertext

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