[OE-core] Mutltilib patch status

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri Jul 22 18:05:58 UTC 2011

I'm not as far advanced as I'd like to have been with the multilib
patches today but I've posted out the current cleaned up patches I have
to give an idea of where things are heading. I appended them to the
previous three patches I sent out and believe those patches so far so
stand on their own merit.

The complete series of my cleanup work so far are available at:


and you can enable multilib with lines like:

require conf/multilib.conf
MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32 multilib:lib64"
DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "i586"
DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib64 = "x86-64"

in local.conf.

I've completed the ia32 tune files, I have not handled arm/mips/powerpc
yet. I've used a slightly improved formatting from Mark's version and
included more information in the commit messages to help people
understand the changes.

I've included two of Paul's bitbake BBCLASSEXTEND fixes in the series
for completeness.



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