[OE-core] [PATCH 3/4] tar: upgrade to v1.26

Phil Blundell pb at pbcl.net
Mon Jun 6 08:00:16 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 21:49 -0700, Scott Garman wrote:
>  SECTION = "base"
> +PRIORITY = "optional"

Seeing this sort of thing makes me wonder whether SECTION and PRIORITY
actually belong in the core metadata at all.  It seems as though the
determination of what exactly is "standard" vs "optional" is a matter of
distro policy and this would be better done in the distro config files.

Also, just on a pragmatic issue, the two values above are actually what
bitbake.conf sets as default anyway so there isn't much to be gained by
specifying them in the recipe as well.


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