[OE-core] Building behind a firewall/proxy

Joshua Lock josh at linux.intel.com
Tue Jun 28 20:14:46 UTC 2011


For the Yocto 1.1 release we want to ease the pain of getting set up to
build behind a firewall.

I have a series of patches under development to run a one hit sanity
test which tries to verify the user can fetch and in the case of failure
point the user to a wiki page where we'd document common causes of fetch

We're also going to look at the site.conf file, which can be used to
specify proxy settings and other site specific settings such MIRRORS,
and ensure that it can easily be edited to help people get set up.

It'd be great if people who operate behind a proxy/firewall can help us
document the steps they had to take to work around this.

Further if you have other ideas as to how we can help make this process
less painful please let us know.

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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