Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Tue May 17 23:15:13 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 16:00 -0700, Darren Hart wrote:
> oe-core does not define any machines, so it does not make sense to
> add machine specific information in the oe-core u-boot recipe and
> infrastructure.
> Since every machine wishing to use the u-boot recipe would need to add itself to
> COMPATIBLE_MACHINES, typically via a bbappend recipe, the mechanism loses any
> utility it may have had and unecessarily complicates using the u-boot recipe. By
> removing it, we simplify the task of adding support for new machines.


This break usability of things like "bitbake world" since all of a
sudden it will try and build u-boot in cases where it makes no sense
(qemu* machines for example).

I know it sounds strange but we do want this recipe enabled on a case by
case basis (and we have the beagleboard as a reference platform using it
which is handy). This means the default of no supported machine is
correct even if it looks odd.

Having the recipe deselect itself (raise a skip parsing event) if
UBOOT_MACHINE isn't set instead of using COMPATIBLE_MACHINE would be
acceptable though.



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