[OE-core] [RFC] .la files cleanup

Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov dbaryshkov at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 10:58:39 UTC 2011

Proposal: extend some bbclass with a task to remove unused .la files

Rationale: There are lots of recipes, which install tons of .la files
(thanks libtool),
but then do not ship them (correctly as most of them are unused in
real systems).
My proposal would be to include a special task or a
do_install_append() part that
will remove specified .la files. (like ${libdir}/xorg/modules/*/.la,
${libdir}/matchbox-panel/*.la, etc.). I see this usually done in
do_install or in special do_install_append
parts, but I think it would be better to handle this globally.

With best wishes

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