[OE-core] oe-core lsb / oe-classic lsb_base

Andreas Müller schnitzeltony at gmx.de
Wed Sep 28 21:19:08 UTC 2011

I am trying to get networkmanager ( included in meta-oe ) working. Since the daemon does not start automatically, I try to start it manually by /etc/init.d/Networkmanager start

That complaines about missing /lib/lsb/init-functions. OK - I add lsb to RDEPEND in networkmanager but now manual start complains for missing function log_daemon_msg ( and will surely later complain about log_end_msg ). Further investigations make me wonder: 

- *All* files found in /etc/core-lsb include the file /etc/init.d/functions which is not included on my image.
- scripts init-functions and included are sourced in oe-core. Do we want to maintain these scripts?
- isn't this a case for inherit allarch?

I checked lsb_base in oe-classic: The sources are taken from debian and 

+ /lib/lsb/init-functions contains my missing functions
- lsb_release is a python script

So how about

* reduce lsb down to lsb_release ( and rename recipe to lsb_release )
* add lsb_base from oe-classic


combine both: Take oe-core lsb_release and oe-classic init-functions ( resulting version number? )

What do you think?


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