[OE-core] [oe-commits] Saul Wold : opkg-utils: convert to git repo at git.yoctoproject.org

Phil Blundell philb at gnu.org
Thu Feb 9 23:35:28 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 23:30 +0100, Martin Jansa wrote:
> Why +git when we have +svnr not +svn? and both systems call it revision?
> Wouldn't it be more consistent to use +gitr and then also we wouldn't
> have this problem with PV going backwards..

The "svnrNNNN" name came about because the Subversion convention is that
revisions are always named "r1982" or whatever.  Git doesn't do that, it
just uses the hash directly, so it would be more natural to just write
"+gitNNNNN".  Adding an extra "r" in there doesn't contribute any useful

All that said, though, this seems like a fairly trivial issue and I
don't think there is any good reason to go around changing existing
recipes just to "fix" the version strings.


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