[OE-core] [PATCH 1/1] nspr: Integrate version 4.8.9

Denis Carikli denis at eukrea.com
Fri Feb 10 14:04:15 UTC 2012

There are some small issues:

There is a whitespace at the end.
> +inherit autotools 
There is a whitespace at the end.

The license is not GPLv2 only, but rather:
GPLv2+ or MPL1.1(I'm not sure if it's spelled correctly) or  LGPLv2.1+
(I don't remember how or are expressed, maybe | or ||, you should grep for it)

Could you instead md5sum part of Makefile.in(or configure.in, or both) that 
contains a license header that seem to be applied to all files at 

Thank a lot for working on nspr, I need it for chromium.


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