[OE-core] modifying inittab (for example)

Slater, Joseph joe.slater at windriver.com
Wed Jul 18 23:29:43 UTC 2012

Suppose we want to boot to different runlevels for different images.  We could modify the default inittab
to reflect that.  We could modify it in various ways, but I don't think the exact mechanism much matters.

What is an interesting question is WHEN we modify it.

One way would be to  have a small piece of code and invoke it during image creation using
something like

ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "sato_image_pp ; "

in our sato-image.bb recipe.  This doesn't require creating any new features.

But, we could also do it when we build sysvinit-inittab.  I think, if we did that, we would need a feature,
probably a DISTRO_FEATURE, that was set in some conf file.

Is there a preference for one way or the other?

Joe Slater

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