[OE-core] mesa-dri vs mesa-xlib

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Mon Jul 30 17:15:01 UTC 2012


I've recently been looking at the Mesa packaging (via the work that
Damien Lespiau has been doing) and am confused as to why there are
both mesa-dri and mesa-xlib packages.  I'm also no Mesa expert, so I
thougth I should mail this list...

The main difference appear to be that mesa-dri uses DRI to render,
whilst mesa-xlib doesn't (so it uses indirect rendering).  As DRI
support is hardware specific so surely this could and should be turned
into a FEATURE of some sort, and then let mesa pick appropriately
between DRI or indirect (xlib) rendering.  I can't think of a
situation where you'd want to use indirect rendering when you have DRI

Can anyone see any problems with merging the recipes into a single
"mesa" recipe, and making DRI support conditional on a feature?


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