[OE-core] Accelerate do_package

Samuel Stirtzel s.stirtzel at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 12 11:43:13 UTC 2012

after re-building Qt the third time today, I was curious why
do_package takes this long.

>From my investigation it looks like the library stripping is the culprit,
it lets my system idle with 5% CPU usage over a long time.

Would it be possible to accelerate do_package with parallelisation?
Likely I could look into this sometime soon, but I'd rather hear your
thoughts on this first.

Also sstate creation and rootfs packing could be made faster with
pbzip2 [1] / pigz [2] (we have a recipe for pigz), or is anthing
preventing this?

[1] http://compression.ca/pbzip2/
[2] http://zlib.net/pigz/


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