[OE-core] [PATCH 0/1] Make n32 survive insane.bbclass and multilib_header

Peter Seebach peter.seebach at windriver.com
Tue Oct 23 20:53:25 UTC 2012

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 13:49:46 -0700
Saul Wold <sgw at linux.intel.com> wrote:

> How can I build test this, the same way as x32?

I am ... not entirely sure how you'd do it in the absence of an
n32 target. Our binary prebuilt toolchain uses n32 for one of the
Octeon parts.

I think any tuning that uses n32 should illustrate the failure modes in
the previous setup, which are:

1. First thing you build that has target binaries errors out with QA
checks because you're making 32-bit binaries for mips64.
2. Anything that wants ncurses ends up thinking that ncurses.h doesn't
exist because ncurses.h is a symlink to curses.h, and curses.h is
renamed to curses-64.h, but the #include magic in the wrapper looks for

Listen, get this.  Nobody with a good compiler needs to be justified.

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