[OE-core] [PATCH 0/2] udev-extraconf: Don't mount root filesystem under /media

Andy Ross andy.ross at windriver.com
Tue Sep 18 21:38:43 UTC 2012

When you boot an image with a kernel-mounted root filesystem
(e.g. "root=/dev/sda1" or the like), the root filesystem also appears
as a read-write filesystem under /media.  The fix has two parts:

2. Modify the mount.sh hook to test the root filesystem device number
instead of the name (which won't match "/dev/root").

1. ...but that breaks on images which use busybox and lack coreutils,
because there is no stat binary.  Add this to the busybox defconfig,
and patch it to live in /usr/bin instead of /bin to match the
coreutils path.


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