[OE-core] Customize devshell terminal command / environment?

Morten Minde Neergaard mneergaa at cisco.com
Mon Sep 24 07:44:53 UTC 2012


I'm using screen for all my terminal multiplexing. While using the
devshell feature, I want to add devshells directly to my existing screen
session. This wasn't straightforward, at least not as straightforward as
I'd like.

Made this pach: https://gist.github.com/3774736

It's just a quick hack, the minimum effort for getting the behaviour I
want. The space of possible implementations if probably quite wide, here
are a few options:

 * Make a new CustomTerminal terminal class that takes its command line
   from a configuration directive, e.g. OE_TERMINAL_CUSTOMCMD
 * Allowing option overrides for each of the existing classes
 * Detect the STY variable if present, and use the existing screen if
   one exists

I'm strongly in favour of implementing the first one. Any objections or
interjections? =)

Morten Minde Neergaard

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