[OE-core] ptest recipes in progress

Björn Stenberg bjst at enea.com
Wed Jun 5 14:36:19 UTC 2013

Hi all.

In the interest of avoiding duplication of work, here is a list of recipes for which we (Enea) have already enabled ptest but have not yet submitted patches:

- bash*
- busybox
- bzip2
- dbus*
- dhcp
- dropbear
- ethtool
- gcc-runtime
- gdb
- gdbm
- gettext
- glib-2.0*
- kmod
- libxml2
- openssh
- openssl
- python
- sqlite
- strace
- udev
- zlib

We've been occupied with internal work lately, but patches for these will be submitted as soon as we can.

* = These are already in oe-core, but we have bug fixes and/or updates for them.


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