[OE-core] is sstate-cache really deterministic together with shlibs providers?

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri Jun 7 20:11:40 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-06-07 at 21:20 +0200, Martin Jansa wrote:
> Imagine this process
> foo.bb DEPENDS on libabc.bb to provide libabc.1.so
> evil recipe bar.bb installs some binary crap in /opt/crap and because it's
> picky about libabc version it bundles own compy of libabc.so.1 and
> installs it to /opt/crap/lib/libabc.so.1
> At the time of first build nobody notices libabc.1.so and foo, bar and
> libabc are happily populated to sysroot.
> foo.bb is rebuilt because of some unrelated change, but this times it
> uses bar as shlibs provider for libabc.so.1
> foo does not work in runtime, because it cannot find libabc.so.1 hidden
> in /opt/crap/lib.
> bar.bb is "fixed" by adding EXCLUDE_FROM_SHLIBS to prevent further
> polluting of shlibs providers, but damage is already done.
> foo doesn't have any dependency on bar (DEPENDS/RDEPENDS) because bar.bb
> is just unrelated binary crap which just happens to bundle libabc.so.1
> too (so foo checksum does not include bar checksum)
> Now the tricky part:
> 1) fixing local build is easy
>    bitbake -c cleansstate `grep ' bar' buildhistory/images/machine/eglibc/image-with-foo/depends.dot | sed 's/ -> .*//g' | xargs`
> but sstate checksums are identical with bar or libabc in package
> "Depends:" field, so how to cleanup SSTATE_MIRROR and sstate archives
> already distributed to every local builder?
> I could bump PR in libabc, but with PR bumps and PRINC going away I
> really need to know how to solve such issues in future. Should we fix
> do_package to filter shlibs providers to include only recipes which 

PR bumps can still happen for corner cases like this, the intent is just
to rely on the system for the 99.9% of cases which it does cover much
more accurately than a human.

We should perhaps limit shlibs to the default linker search paths?

Wouldn't there be a warning if two things provide the same shlibs or
does that assume the shlibs versioning sorts itself out?



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