[OE-core] Issue with pseudo on 64-bit build host

Erik Botö erik.boto at pelagicore.com
Wed Jun 26 09:33:17 UTC 2013


In bitbake.conf FAKEROOTBASEENV is set to contain
"PSEUDO_LIBDIR=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/../lib/pseudo/lib" but on my
buildhost libpseudo.so is in

For me this causes rpm:s that use qemu_run_binary() to do stuff during
do_rootfs() (using post-install scripts) to fail, since ld.so can't
find libpseudo.so it gives an error that contains "ERR" which
package_rpm.bbclass rpm_log_check() picks up.

I git confused for a while since the command used in the post-install
script worked ok in a devshell but not during do_rootfs(), but this is
due to the fact that LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the devshell contains:
<mybuilddir>/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/../lib/pseudo/lib64 . I
couldn't find where this was added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for devshells

Erik Botö

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