[OE-core] proposal to move cogl, clutter and related recipes from oe-core to dedicated meta-clutter layer

Tomas Frydrych tf+lists.yocto at r-finger.com
Wed May 8 15:11:33 UTC 2013

I think it would makes sense to move clutter related packages from
oe-core into a dedicated layer:

* AFAIK nothing in oe-core requires cogl/clutter/mx,

* The packages in oe-core are effectively unmaintained, several upstream
releases behind, and pretty much unusable,

* The somewhat random nature of clutter and cogl releases makes it hard
to sensibly manage these packages within the oe-core release cycle, but
a dedicated layer could follow the upstream developments.

I have started work on new clutter and related packages for use by
meta-guacamayo at https://github.com/Guacamayo/meta-clutter, but I'd be
more than happy for the layer to live somewhere else and become the
canonical location for clutter-related bits and pieces.



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