[OE-core] [PATCH] base-files: add /run to dirs755 for systemd

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Mon May 13 10:53:02 UTC 2013

On 13 May 2013 04:58, Jonathan Liu <net147 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The /run directory needs to exist when using systemd otherwise startup
> fails with the following error:
> systemd[1]: Failed to mount /run: No such file or directory

This is a genuine bug, but I'm not convinced it is the whole fix.
What about non-systemd images?  /run is meant to be a tmpfs, which is
why udev installs a volatile link from /run to /var/run.  If we create
a directory in sysvinit cases, we'll also need to mount a tmpfs on it.

The FHS 3 draft specification actually ratifies /run[1] so we could
take this advantage to start cleaning up our volatile layout in /var.
Start by always creating /run in base-files, and always mounting it as
tmpfs in fstab for the non-systemd case.  Then we can symlink /var/run
to /run, /var/lock to /run/lock, and so on.


[1] http://www.linuxbase.org/betaspecs/fhs/fhs.html#runRuntimeVariableData

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