[OE-core] gst-plugins-base tremor build time dependence?

Javier Viguera javier.viguera at digi.com
Mon May 20 12:47:38 UTC 2013

Hi all,

In gst-plugins-base package there is a patch that explicitly removes the 
'-DTREMOR' symbol so the package compiles without that support:


But then the gst-plugins-base bitbake recipe has a build-time dependence 
on tremor:


DEPENDS += "alsa-lib freetype liboil libogg libvorbis libtheora 
util-linux *tremor*"

Is this expected?
Can tremor build-time dependence be removed?

If this is the case i can cook up a patch, but I'm not sure if I'm 
missing something else.

Javier Viguera
Software Engineer
Digi International® Spain S.A.U.

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