[OE-core] [PATCH 0/4] Mesa and Wayland updates

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri May 31 09:52:07 UTC 2013

On 31 May 2013 10:30, Burton, Ross <ross.burton at intel.com> wrote:
>> At the time of writing that weston didn't support runtime detection or config files entries for selecting the backend, only commandline arguments. So whatever is getting picked at build time, you're stuck with that. Does 1.1.x address that situation?
> Sadly, not as far as I'm aware.  I have 1.1 in another branch but it
> totally broke GTK+ 3 applications (which didn't repaint after the
> initial creation), which is pretty sad.  Relevant developers harassed.

In a massive shock, the weston man page is actually useful.  Sadly
it's clear that the backend choice is either x11 if DISPLAY is set,
wayland-over-wayland if WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set, otherwise the command
line argument finally falling back to the "default" (drm out of the

So if we want a single binary that supports both DRM and fbdev, then
we need to use command-line options.   I guess our startup script
should handle this and we can add another optional machine-specific
config file.


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