[OE-core] [PATCH 08/11] opkg: Add --no-install-recommends option.

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Wed Sep 18 16:48:29 UTC 2013

On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 17:35 +0100, Paul Barker wrote:
> My time for this is fairly limited, but felt it was important that
> someone maintain it as it's a critical dependency for a lot of us.

We all suffer from time problems so I appreciate someone stepping up
there, it was certainly a gap.

> As I understand things the Yocto Project is currently in a
> stabilisation cycle. So my plan was to wait until 1.5 is released and
> then look at moving oe-core to opkg-0.2.0, adding PACKAGECONFIG
> options (I've got a signed package feed I'd like my target to be able
> to verify, this needs opkg to be built with --enable-gpg) and whatever
> else needs doing. For now the experimental recipes are available from
> https://bitbucket.org/opkg/meta-opkg.

PACKAGECONFIG sounds great but is 1.6 material, yes.

> As a side question - is there a specific maintainer for opkg-utils?
> I'd like to discuss whether two separate repositories is a good idea
> or whether we'd benefit from merging this into the opkg repo.

I can probably speak for it. It was created out of necessity, we had the
situation where patches were piling up against ipkg-utils and since that
was dead, we created a new repository we could merge changes into rather
than having piles of patches.

There are some pretty horrific things in there and it probably needs a
good clean  out, we only use a small part of it. If we have an actively
maintained place for the in opkg, I'd be ok with that. Equally having
them separate does better force sane API decisions (flag days where both
need to change at the same time would be bad for example). If you wanted
commit access to opkg-utils that could probably be arranged if that



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