[OE-core] [v2 PATCH 2/2] useradd.bbclass: Add ability to select a static uid/gid automatically

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Thu Feb 6 22:17:25 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 17:39 -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:
> [YOCTO #5436]
> Automatic selection of static uid/gid is needed for a dynamically generated
> passwd and group file to have a deterministic outcome.
> When a package is installed and instructs the system to add a new user or
> group, unless it selects a static uid/gid value, the next available uid/gid
> will be used.  The order in which packages are installed is dynamically
> computed, and may change from one installation to the next.  This results
> in a non-deterministic set of uid/gid values.
> Enabling USERADD_REWRITE_PARAMS, and providing a preconfigured passwd/group
> file will allow the continued dynamic generation of the passwd/group file
> on the target, but ensure a deterministic outcome.  (Dynamic generation is
> desired so that user and groups that have no corresponding functionality
> are not present within the final system image.)
> The rewrite params function will override each of the fields in the
> useradd and groupadd calls with the values specified.  Note, the password
> field is ignored as is the member groups field in the group file.  If the
> field is empty, the value will not be overridden.  (Note, there is no way
> to 'blank' a field, as this would only generally affect the 'comment' field
> and there really is no reason to blank it.)
> Enabling USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC will cause packages without static uid/gid
> to generate an error and be skipped for the purpose of building.  This is
> used to prevent non-deterministic behavior.
> USERADD_UID_TABLES and USERADD_GID_TABLES may be used to specify the name
> of the passwd and group files.  By default they are assumed to be
> 'files/passwd' and 'files/group'.  Layers are searched in BBPATH order.
> Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle at windriver.com>
> ---
>  meta/classes/useradd.bbclass         | 258 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  meta/conf/local.conf.sample.extended |  24 ++++
>  2 files changed, 282 insertions(+)

I know this has sat in limbo for a while, apologies for that. This patch
does look fairly clean and standalone, to the point I think this should
become a separate class in its own right.

We can do this with something like:



and then set 

USERADDEXTENSIONS = "useradd-staticids"

to enable the code. I think the rest of it may work as is as a file
useradd-staticids.bbclass as long as the inherit is at the end of
useradd.bbclass so the anonumous python stacks the correct way around.

Bitbake can cope with a variable that expands to empty.

I haven't gone over the python code in detail and if its a standalone
class, I'm feeling less need to do so.



> diff --git a/meta/classes/useradd.bbclass b/meta/classes/useradd.bbclass
> index ad6f61a..ff14b27 100644
> --- a/meta/classes/useradd.bbclass
> +++ b/meta/classes/useradd.bbclass
> @@ -144,9 +144,267 @@ def update_useradd_after_parse(d):
>          if not d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True) and not d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True) and not d.getVar('GROUPMEMS_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True):
>              bb.fatal("%s inherits useradd but doesn't set USERADD_PARAM, GROUPADD_PARAM or GROUPMEMS_PARAM for package %s" % (d.getVar('FILE'), pkg))
> +# In order to support a deterministic set of 'dynamic' users/groups,
> +# we need a function to reformat the params based on a static file
> +def update_useradd_static_config(d):
> +    import argparse
> +    import re
> +
> +    class myArgumentParser( argparse.ArgumentParser ):
> +        def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
> +            bb.warn("%s - %s: %s" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, message))
> +
> +        # This should never be called...
> +        def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
> +            message = message or ("%s - %s: useradd.bbclass: Argument parsing exited" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg))
> +            error(message)
> +
> +        def error(self, message):
> +            raise bb.build.FuncFailed(message)
> +
> +    # We parse and rewrite the useradd components
> +    def rewrite_useradd(params):
> +        # The following comes from --help on useradd from shadow
> +        parser = myArgumentParser(prog='useradd')
> +        parser.add_argument("-b", "--base-dir", metavar="BASE_DIR", help="base directory for the home directory of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-c", "--comment", metavar="COMMENT", help="GECOS field of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-d", "--home-dir", metavar="HOME_DIR", help="home directory of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-D", "--defaults", help="print or change default useradd configuration", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-e", "--expiredate", metavar="EXPIRE_DATE", help="expiration date of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-f", "--inactive", metavar="INACTIVE", help="password inactivity period of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-g", "--gid", metavar="GROUP", help="name or ID of the primary group of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-G", "--groups", metavar="GROUPS", help="list of supplementary groups of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-k", "--skel", metavar="SKEL_DIR", help="use this alternative skeleton directory")
> +        parser.add_argument("-K", "--key", metavar="KEY=VALUE", help="override /etc/login.defs defaults")
> +        parser.add_argument("-l", "--no-log-init", help="do not add the user to the lastlog and faillog databases", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-m", "--create-home", help="create the user's home directory", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-M", "--no-create-home", help="do not create the user's home directory", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-N", "--no-user-group", help="do not create a group with the same name as the user", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-o", "--non-unique", help="allow to create users with duplicate (non-unique UID)", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", metavar="PASSWORD", help="encrypted password of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-R", "--root", metavar="CHROOT_DIR", help="directory to chroot into")
> +        parser.add_argument("-r", "--system", help="create a system account", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-s", "--shell", metavar="SHELL", help="login shell of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-u", "--uid", metavar="UID", help="user ID of the new account")
> +        parser.add_argument("-U", "--user-group", help="create a group with the same name as the user", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("LOGIN", help="Login name of the new user")
> +
> +        # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default
> +        # files/passwd or the contents of USERADD_UID_TABLES
> +        # paths are resulved via BBPATH
> +        def get_passwd_list(d):
> +            str = ""
> +            bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True)
> +            passwd_tables = d.getVar('USERADD_UID_TABLES', True)
> +            if not passwd_tables:
> +                passwd_tables = 'files/passwd'
> +            for conf_file in passwd_tables.split():
> +                str += " %s" % bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)
> +            return str
> +
> +        newparams = []
> +        for param in re.split('''[ \t]*;[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', params):
> +            param=param.strip()
> +            try:
> +                uaargs = parser.parse_args(re.split('''[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', param))
> +            except:
> +                raise bb.build.FuncFailed("%s: Unable to parse arguments for USERADD_PARAM_%s: '%s'" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, param))
> +
> +            # files/passwd or the contents of USERADD_UID_TABLES
> +            # Use the standard passwd layout:
> +            #  username:password:user_id:group_id:comment:home_directory:login_shell
> +            # (we want to process in reverse order, as 'last found' in the list wins)
> +            #
> +            # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used.  The 'username'
> +            # field is required.
> +            #
> +            # Note: we ignore the password field, as including even the hashed password
> +            # in the useradd command may introduce a security hole.  It's assumed that
> +            # all new users get the default ('*' which prevents login) until the user is
> +            # specifically configured by the system admin.
> +            for conf in get_passwd_list(d).split()[::-1]:
> +                if os.path.exists(conf):
> +                    f = open(conf, "r")
> +                    for line in f:
> +                        if line.startswith('#'):
> +                            continue
> +                        field = line.rstrip().split(":")
> +                        if field[0] == uaargs.LOGIN:
> +                            if uaargs.uid and field[2] and (uaargs.uid != field[2]):
> +                                bb.warn("%s: Changing username %s's uid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.uid, field[2]))
> +                            uaargs.uid = [field[2], uaargs.uid][not field[2]]
> +
> +                            # Determine the possible groupname
> +                            # Unless the group name (or gid) is specified, we assume that the LOGIN is the groupname
> +                            #
> +                            # By default the system has creation of the matching groups enabled
> +                            # So if the implicit username-group creation is on, then the implicit groupname (LOGIN)
> +                            # is used, and we disable the user_group option.
> +                            #
> +                            uaargs.groupname = [uaargs.gid, uaargs.LOGIN][not uaargs.gid or uaargs.user_group]
> +                            uaargs.user_group = False
> +
> +                            uaargs.gid = [uaargs.gid, uaargs.groupname][not uaargs.gid]
> +                            uaargs.gid = [field[3], uaargs.gid][not field[3]]
> +
> +                            if uaargs.groupname == uaargs.gid:
> +                                # Nothing to do...
> +                                pass
> +                            elif (uaargs.groupname and uaargs.groupname.isdigit()) and (uaargs.gid and uaargs.gid.isdigit()) and (uaargs.groupname != uaargs.gid):
> +                                # We want to add a group, but we don't know it's name... so we can't add the group...
> +                                # We have to assume the group has previously been added or we'll fail on the adduser...
> +                                # Note: specifying the actual gid is very rare in OE, usually the group name is specified.
> +                                bb.warn("%s: Changing gid for login %s from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), uaargs.LOGIN, uaargs.groupname, uaargs.gid))
> +                            elif uaargs.groupname and (uaargs.gid and uaargs.gid.isdigit()):
> +                               bb.debug(1, "Adding group %s  gid (%s)!" % (uaargs.groupname, uaargs.gid))
> +                               groupadd = d.getVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, True)
> +                               newgroup = "-g %s %s" % (uaargs.gid, uaargs.groupname)
> +                               if groupadd:
> +                                   d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, "%s ; %s" % (groupadd, newgroup))
> +                               else:
> +                                   d.setVar("GROUPADD_PARAM_%s" % pkg, newgroup)
> +
> +                            uaargs.comment = ["'%s'" % field[4], uaargs.comment][not field[4]]
> +                            uaargs.home_dir = [field[5], uaargs.home_dir][not field[5]]
> +                            uaargs.shell = [field[6], uaargs.shell][not field[6]]
> +                            break
> +
> +            # Should be an error if a specific option is set...
> +            if d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC', True) == '1' and (not uaargs.uid or not uaargs.gid):
> +                raise bb.build.FuncFailed("%s - %s: Username %s does not have a static uid/gid defined." % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, uaargs.LOGIN))
> +
> +            # Reconstruct the args...
> +            newparam  = ['', ' --defaults'][uaargs.defaults]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --base-dir %s' % uaargs.base_dir][uaargs.base_dir != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --comment %s' % uaargs.comment][uaargs.comment != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --home-dir %s' % uaargs.home_dir][uaargs.home_dir != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --expiredata %s' % uaargs.expiredate][uaargs.expiredate != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --inactive %s' % uaargs.inactive][uaargs.inactive != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % uaargs.gid][uaargs.gid != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --groups %s' % uaargs.groups][uaargs.groups != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --skel %s' % uaargs.skel][uaargs.skel != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % uaargs.key][uaargs.key != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --no-log-init'][uaargs.no_log_init]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --create-home'][uaargs.create_home]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --no-create-home'][uaargs.no_create_home]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --no-user-group'][uaargs.no_user_group]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][uaargs.non_unique]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % uaargs.password][uaargs.password != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % uaargs.root][uaargs.root != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --system'][uaargs.system]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --shell %s' % uaargs.shell][uaargs.shell != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --uid %s' % uaargs.uid][uaargs.uid != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --user-group'][uaargs.user_group]
> +            newparam += ' %s' % uaargs.LOGIN
> +
> +            newparams.append(newparam)
> +
> +        return " ;".join(newparams).strip()
> +
> +    # We parse and rewrite the groupadd components
> +    def rewrite_groupadd(params):
> +        # The following comes from --help on groupadd from shadow
> +        parser = myArgumentParser(prog='groupadd')
> +        parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="exit successfully if the group already exists, and cancel -g if the GID is already used", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-g", "--gid", metavar="GID", help="use GID for the new group")
> +        parser.add_argument("-K", "--key", metavar="KEY=VALUE", help="override /etc/login.defs defaults")
> +        parser.add_argument("-o", "--non-unique", help="allow to create groups with duplicate (non-unique) GID", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", metavar="PASSWORD", help="use this encrypted password for the new group")
> +        parser.add_argument("-R", "--root", metavar="CHROOT_DIR", help="directory to chroot into")
> +        parser.add_argument("-r", "--system", help="create a system account", action="store_true")
> +        parser.add_argument("GROUP", help="Group name of the new group")
> +
> +        # Return a list of configuration files based on either the default
> +        # files/group or the contents of USERADD_GID_TABLES
> +        # paths are resulved via BBPATH
> +        def get_group_list(d):
> +            str = ""
> +            bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True)
> +            group_tables = d.getVar('USERADD_GID_TABLES', True)
> +            if not group_tables:
> +                group_tables = 'files/group'
> +            for conf_file in group_tables.split():
> +                str += " %s" % bb.utils.which(bbpath, conf_file)
> +            return str
> +
> +        newparams = []
> +        for param in re.split('''[ \t]*;[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', params):
> +            param=param.strip()
> +            try:
> +                # If we're processing multiple lines, we could have left over values here...
> +                gaargs = parser.parse_args(re.split('''[ \t]*(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', param))
> +            except:
> +                raise bb.build.FuncFailed("%s: Unable to parse arguments for GROUPADD_PARAM_%s: '%s'" % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, param))
> +
> +            # Need to iterate over layers and open the right file(s)
> +            # Use the standard group layout:
> +            #  groupname:password:group_id:group_members
> +            #
> +            # If a field is left blank, the original value will be used. The 'groupname' field
> +            # is required.
> +            #
> +            # Note: similar to the passwd file, the 'password' filed is ignored
> +            # Note: group_members is ignored, group members must be configured with the GROUPMEMS_PARAM
> +            for conf in get_group_list(d).split()[::-1]:
> +                if os.path.exists(conf):
> +                    f = open(conf, "r")
> +                    for line in f:
> +                        if line.startswith('#'):
> +                            continue
> +                        field = line.rstrip().split(":")
> +                        if field[0] == gaargs.GROUP and field[2]:
> +                            if gaargs.gid and (gaargs.gid != field[2]):
> +                                bb.warn("%s: Changing groupname %s's gid from (%s) to (%s), verify configuration files!" % (d.getVar('PN', True), gaargs.GROUP, gaargs.gid, field[2]))
> +                            gaargs.gid = field[2]
> +                            break
> +
> +            if d.getVar('USERADD_ERROR_DYNAMIC', True) == '1' and not gaargs.gid:
> +                raise bb.build.FuncFailed("%s - %s: Groupname %s does not have a static gid defined." % (d.getVar('PN', True), pkg, gaargs.GROUP))
> +
> +            # Reconstruct the args...
> +            newparam  = ['', ' --force'][gaargs.force]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --gid %s' % gaargs.gid][gaargs.gid != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --key %s' % gaargs.key][gaargs.key != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --non-unique'][gaargs.non_unique]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --password %s' % gaargs.password][gaargs.password != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --root %s' % gaargs.root][gaargs.root != None]
> +            newparam += ['', ' --system'][gaargs.system]
> +            newparam += ' %s' % gaargs.GROUP
> +
> +            newparams.append(newparam)
> +
> +        return " ;".join(newparams).strip()
> +
> +    # Load and process the users and groups, rewriting the adduser/addgroup params
> +    useradd_packages = d.getVar('USERADD_PACKAGES', True)
> +
> +    for pkg in useradd_packages.split():
> +        # Groupmems doesn't have anything we might want to change, so simply validating
> +        # is a bit of a waste -- only process useradd/groupadd
> +        useradd_param = d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)
> +        if useradd_param:
> +            #bb.warn("Before: 'USERADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, useradd_param))
> +            d.setVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, rewrite_useradd(useradd_param))
> +            #bb.warn("After:  'USERADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('USERADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)))
> +
> +        groupadd_param = d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)
> +        if groupadd_param:
> +            #bb.warn("Before: 'GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, groupadd_param))
> +            d.setVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, rewrite_groupadd(groupadd_param))
> +            #bb.warn("After:  'GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' - '%s'" % (pkg, d.getVar('GROUPADD_PARAM_%s' % pkg, True)))
> +
> +
> +
>  python __anonymous() {
>      if not bb.data.inherits_class('nativesdk', d):
>          update_useradd_after_parse(d)
> +
> +        if d.getVar('USERADD_REWRITE_PARAMS', True) == '1':
> +            try:
> +                update_useradd_static_config(d)
> +            except bb.build.FuncFailed as f:
> +                bb.debug(1, "Skipping recipe %s: %s" % (d.getVar('PN', True), f))
> +                raise bb.parse.SkipPackage(f)
>  }
>  # Return a single [GROUP|USER]ADD_PARAM formatted string which includes the
> diff --git a/meta/conf/local.conf.sample.extended b/meta/conf/local.conf.sample.extended
> index c7c4f40..b73a0a7 100644
> --- a/meta/conf/local.conf.sample.extended
> +++ b/meta/conf/local.conf.sample.extended
> @@ -253,6 +253,30 @@
>  #usermod -s /bin/sh tester; \
>  #"
> +# Various packages dynamically add users and groups to the system at package
> +# install time.  For programs that do not care what the uid/gid is of the
> +# resulting users/groups, the order of the install will determine the final
> +# uid/gid.  This can lead to non-deterministic uid/gid values from one build
> +# to another.  Use the following settings to specify that all user/group adds
> +# should be created based on a static passwd/group file.
> +#
> +# By default the system looks in the BBPATH for files/passwd and files/group
> +# the default can be overriden by spefying USERADD_UID/GID_TABLES.
> +#
> +# Note, if you change the value of the USERADD_REWRITE_PARAMS after starting
> +# to build.  The TMPDIR may have incompatible uid/gids in it.  You must 'rm'
> +# the TMPDIR to avoid this issue.
> +#
> +#USERADD_UID_TABLES = "files/passwd"
> +#USERADD_GID_TABLES = "files/group"
> +#
> +# In order to prevent generating a system where a dynamicly assigned uid/gid
> +# can exist, you can enable the following setting.  This will force the
> +# system to error out if the user/group name is not defined in the
> +# files/passwd or files/group (or specified replacements.)
> +
>  # Enabling FORTRAN
>  # Note this is not officially supported and is just illustrated here to
>  # show an example of how it can be done

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