[OE-core] [PATCH 4/5] sstate/sstatesig: optimize the support for locked down sstate cache usage

Hongxu Jia hongxu.jia at windriver.com
Thu Sep 11 15:04:28 UTC 2014

This fix is based on Richard Purdie's 'sstatesig: Improve to handle
locking of multiple machines' which located in master-next.

Add code in the sstate hash validation code to ensure it really did
install these from sstate since if it didn't should to warn/abort
the build. The judgment condition is:
1) If a build is replaced by locked sstate-cache, it will triger a
2) If objects are not used from the locked cache, it will triger a
3) Use SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_CHECK_LEVEL variable controls whether this
   is just a warning or a fatal error or nothing to report.

Use SIGGEN_DUMP_LOCKEDSIGS variable controls whether to dump
lockedsigs. Add a event handler at 'bb.event.BuildCompleted', so
while the locked sstate-cache was created, it will dump the lockedsigs
files rather than manually invoking 'bitbake -S **' again.

Use SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_CONFIG variable controls where to dump the
lockedsigs file, the default is placed into ${SSTATE_DIR}/locked-sigs.inc.

[YOCTO #6639]

Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia at windriver.com>
 meta/classes/sstate.bbclass | 14 ++++++++++++++
 meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py    | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
index 0cb5235..7a6a107 100644
--- a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
@@ -802,3 +802,17 @@ python sstate_eventhandler() {
         bb.siggen.dump_this_task(sstatepkg + '_' + taskname + ".tgz" ".siginfo", d)
+addhandler sstate_dump_lockedsig
+sstate_dump_lockedsig[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"
+python sstate_dump_lockedsig() {
+    d = e.data
+    if d.getVar('SIGGEN_DUMP_LOCKEDSIGS', True) == '1':
+        if e.getFailures():
+            return
+        if hasattr(bb.parse.siggen, "dump_lockedsigs"):
+            lockedsigs = d.getVar('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_CONFIG', True)
+            bb.parse.siggen.dump_lockedsigs(lockedsigs)
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py b/meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py
index add2619..c9edd80 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
         self.lockedpnmap = {}
         self.lockedhashfn = {}
         self.machine = data.getVar("MACHINE", True)
+        self.checkmsgs = []
     def rundep_check(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache = None):
         return sstate_rundepfilter(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache)
@@ -109,18 +110,24 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
         return super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).dump_sigs(dataCache, options)
     def get_taskhash(self, fn, task, deps, dataCache):
+        h = super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).get_taskhash(fn, task, deps, dataCache)
         recipename = dataCache.pkg_fn[fn]
         self.lockedpnmap[fn] = recipename
         self.lockedhashfn[fn] = dataCache.hashfn[fn]
         if recipename in self.lockedsigs:
             if task in self.lockedsigs[recipename]:
                 k = fn + "." + task
-                h = self.lockedsigs[recipename][task]
-                self.lockedhashes[k] = h
-                self.taskhash[k] = h
+                h_locked = self.lockedsigs[recipename][task]
+                self.lockedhashes[k] = h_locked
+                self.taskhash[k] = h_locked
                 #bb.warn("Using %s %s %s" % (recipename, task, h))
-                return h
-        h = super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).get_taskhash(fn, task, deps, dataCache)
+                if h != h_locked:
+                    self.checkmsgs.append('The %s:%s sig (%s) changed, use locked sig %s to instead'
+                                          % (recipename, task, h, h_locked))
+                return h_locked
         #bb.warn("%s %s %s" % (recipename, task, h))
         return h
@@ -130,8 +137,11 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
         super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).dump_sigtask(fn, task, stampbase, runtime)
-    def dump_lockedsigs(self):
-        bb.plain("Writing locked sigs to " + os.getcwd() + "/locked-sigs.inc")
+    def dump_lockedsigs(self, where_to_dump=None):
+        if not where_to_dump:
+            where_to_dump = os.getcwd() + "/locked-sigs.inc"
+        bb.plain("Writing locked sigs to %s" % where_to_dump)
         types = {}
         for k in self.runtaskdeps:
             fn = k.rsplit(".",1)[0]
@@ -140,11 +150,11 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
                 types[t] = []
-        with open("locked-sigs.inc", "w") as f:
+        with open(where_to_dump, "w") as f:
             for t in types:
                 f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_%s = "\\\n' % t)
-                sortedk = sorted(types[t], key=lambda k: self.lockedpnmap[k.rsplit(".",1)[0]]) 
+                sortedk = sorted(types[t], key=lambda k: self.lockedpnmap[k.rsplit(".",1)[0]])
                 for k in sortedk:
                     fn = k.rsplit(".",1)[0]
                     task = k.rsplit(".",1)[1]
@@ -155,17 +165,18 @@ class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
             f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TYPES_%s = "%s"' % (self.machine, " ".join(types.keys())))
     def checkhashes(self, missed, ret, sq_fn, sq_task, sq_hash, sq_hashfn, d):
-        enforce = (d.getVar("SIGGEN_ENFORCE_LOCKEDSIGS", True) or "1") == "1"
-        msgs = []
+        checklevel = d.getVar("SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_CHECK_LEVEL", True)
         for task in range(len(sq_fn)):
             if task not in ret:
                 for pn in self.lockedsigs:
                     if sq_hash[task] in self.lockedsigs[pn].itervalues():
-                        msgs.append("Locked sig is set for %s:%s (%s) yet not in sstate cache?" % (pn, sq_task[task], sq_hash[task]))
-        if msgs and enforce:
-            bb.fatal("\n".join(msgs))
-        elif msgs:
-            bb.warn("\n".join(msgs))
+                        self.checkmsgs.append("Locked sig is set for %s:%s (%s) yet not in sstate cache?"
+                                               % (pn, sq_task[task], sq_hash[task]))
+        if self.checkmsgs and checklevel == 'warn':
+            bb.warn("\n".join(self.checkmsgs))
+        elif self.checkmsgs and checklevel == 'error':
+            bb.fatal("\n".join(self.checkmsgs))
 # Insert these classes into siggen's namespace so it can see and select them

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