[OE-core] [PATCH v4 0/3] These patches aim to make the spdx file be compliant with the SPDX 1.2 Specification.

Lei Maohui leimaohui at cn.fujitsu.com
Wed Jun 10 10:09:11 UTC 2015

Those patches aim to make the spdx file be compliant with the SPDX 1.2 Specification.
If you want to use this feature,you need to do:
1. Make sure your fossology+spdx server works well.You can get spdx file with the following command.
   curl --noproxy -k -F mod=spdx_license_once -F noCopyright=false
   -F jsonOutput=false -F fullSPDXFlag=true -F file=@xxx.tar.gz -o xxx.spdx

2. Add the following INHERIT statement and set the SPDX_MANIFEST_DIR at the end of your conf/local.conf file found in the Build Directory.
   INHERIT += "spdx"

Lei Maohui (3):
  licenses.conf: Modified parameters for new spdx.bbclass
  spdx.bbclass: Create the spdx file which is compliant      with SPDX
    1.2 Specification
  spdx: create a directory to save source code

 meta/classes/spdx.bbclass | 431 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 meta/conf/licenses.conf   |  86 +++------
 2 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 333 deletions(-)


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