[OE-core] [PATCH 1/2] oeqa/selftest: Added 3 new selftest testcases.

Daniel Istrate daniel.alexandrux.istrate at intel.com
Mon Jun 22 09:28:41 UTC 2015

Signed-off-by: Daniel Istrate <daniel.alexandrux.istrate at intel.com>
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/imagefeatures.py | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 206 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/imagefeatures.py

diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/imagefeatures.py b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/imagefeatures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f697956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/imagefeatures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+from oeqa.selftest.base import oeSelfTest
+from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake 
+from oeqa.utils.decorators import testcase
+import pexpect
+from os.path import expanduser
+from os import system
+class ImageFeatures(oeSelfTest):
+    @testcase(1107)
+    def test_non_root_user_can_connect_via_ssh_without_password(self):
+        """
+        Summary: Check if non root user can connect via ssh without password
+        Expected: 1. Connection to the image via ssh using root user without providing a password should be allowed.
+                  2. Connection to the image via ssh using tester user without providing a password should be allowed.
+        Product: oe-core
+        Author: Ionut Chisanovici <ionutx.chisanovici at intel.com>
+        AutomatedBy: Daniel Istrate <daniel.alexandrux.istrate at intel.com>
+        """
+        test_user = 'tester'
+        root_user = 'root'
+        prompt = r'qemux86:\S+[$#]\s+'
+        tap_inf_ip = ''
+        features = 'EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "ssh-server-openssh empty-root-password"\n'
+        features += 'INHERIT += "extrausers"\n'
+        features += 'EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "useradd -p \'\' {}; usermod -s /bin/sh {};"'.format(test_user, test_user)
+        # Append 'features' to local.conf
+        self.append_config(features)
+        # Build a core-image-minimal
+        ret = bitbake('core-image-minimal')
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to build a core-image-minimal')
+        rm_ssh_keys_cmd = 'ssh-keygen -f "{}/.ssh/known_hosts" -R {}'.format(expanduser('~'), tap_inf_ip)
+        # Delete the ssh keys for (qemu)
+        ret = runCmd(rm_ssh_keys_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to delete ssh keys for qemu host.')
+        # Boot qemu image
+        proc_qemu = pexpect.spawn('runqemu qemux86 nographic')
+        try:
+            proc_qemu.expect('qemux86 login:', timeout=100)
+        except:
+            system('pkill qemu')
+            proc_qemu.close()
+            self.fail('Failed to start qemu.')
+        # Attempt to ssh with each user into qemu with empty password
+        for user in [root_user, test_user]:
+            proc_ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh {} -l {}'.format(tap_inf_ip, user))
+            index = proc_ssh.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting', prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF])
+            if index == 0:
+                proc_ssh.sendline('yes')
+                try:
+                    proc_ssh.expect(prompt)
+                except:
+                    system('pkill qemu')
+                    proc_qemu.close()
+                    proc_ssh.terminate()
+                    self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu.'.format(user))
+            elif index == 1:
+                # user successfully logged in with empty password
+                pass
+            elif index == 2:
+                system('pkill qemu')
+                proc_qemu.close()
+                proc_ssh.terminate()
+                self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu (timeout).'.format(user))
+            else:
+                system('pkill qemu')
+                proc_qemu.close()
+                proc_ssh.terminate()
+                self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu (eof).'.format(user))
+        # Cleanup
+        system('pkill qemu')
+        proc_qemu.close()
+        proc_ssh.terminate()
+        ret = runCmd(rm_ssh_keys_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to delete ssh keys for qemu host (at cleanup).')
+    @testcase(1115)
+    def test_all_users_can_connect_via_ssh_without_password(self):
+        """
+        Summary:     Check if all users can connect via ssh without password
+        Expected:    1. Connection to the image via ssh using root or tester user without providing a password should be allowed.
+        Product:     oe-core
+        Author:      Ionut Chisanovici <ionutx.chisanovici at intel.com>
+        AutomatedBy: Daniel Istrate <daniel.alexandrux.istrate at intel.com>
+        """
+        test_user = 'tester'
+        root_user = 'root'
+        prompt = r'qemux86:\S+[$#]\s+'
+        tap_inf_ip = ''
+        features = 'EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "ssh-server-openssh allow-empty-password"\n'
+        features += 'INHERIT += "extrausers"\n'
+        features += 'EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "useradd -p \'\' {}; usermod -s /bin/sh {};"'.format(test_user, test_user)
+        # Append 'features' to local.conf
+        self.append_config(features)
+        # Build a core-image-minimal
+        ret = bitbake('core-image-minimal')
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to build a core-image-minimal')
+        rm_ssh_keys_cmd = 'ssh-keygen -f "{}/.ssh/known_hosts" -R {}'.format(expanduser('~'), tap_inf_ip)
+        # Delete the ssh keys for (qemu)
+        ret = runCmd(rm_ssh_keys_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to delete ssh keys for qemu host.')
+        # Boot qemu image
+        proc_qemu = pexpect.spawn('runqemu qemux86 nographic')
+        try:
+            proc_qemu.expect('qemux86 login:', timeout=100)
+        except:
+            system('pkill qemu')
+            proc_qemu.close()
+            self.fail('Failed to start qemu.')
+        # Attempt to ssh with each user into qemu with empty password
+        for user in [root_user, test_user]:
+            proc_ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh {} -l {}'.format(tap_inf_ip, user))
+            index = proc_ssh.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting', prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF])
+            if index == 0:
+                proc_ssh.sendline('yes')
+                try:
+                    proc_ssh.expect(prompt)
+                except:
+                    system('pkill qemu')
+                    proc_qemu.close()
+                    proc_ssh.terminate()
+                    self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu.'.format(user))
+            elif index == 1:
+                # user successfully logged in with empty password
+                pass
+            elif index == 2:
+                system('pkill qemu')
+                proc_qemu.close()
+                proc_ssh.terminate()
+                self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu (timeout).'.format(user))
+            else:
+                system('pkill qemu')
+                proc_qemu.close()
+                proc_ssh.terminate()
+                self.fail('Failed to ssh with {} user into qemu (eof).'.format(user))
+        # Cleanup
+        system('pkill qemu')
+        proc_qemu.close()
+        proc_ssh.terminate()
+        ret = runCmd(rm_ssh_keys_cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to delete ssh keys for qemu host (at cleanup).')
+    @testcase(1114)
+    def test_rpm_version_4_support_on_image(self):
+        """
+        Summary:     Check rpm version 4 support on image
+        Expected:    Rpm version must be 4.11.2
+        Product:     oe-core
+        Author:      Ionut Chisanovici <ionutx.chisanovici at intel.com>
+        AutomatedBy: Daniel Istrate <daniel.alexandrux.istrate at intel.com>
+        """
+        root_user = 'root'
+        prompt = '{}@qemux86:~# '.format(root_user)
+        rpm_version = '4.11.2'
+        features = 'IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " rpm"\n'
+        features += 'PREFERRED_VERSION_rpm = "{}"\n'.format(rpm_version)
+        features += 'PREFERRED_VERSION_rpm-native = "{}"\n'.format(rpm_version)
+        features += 'RPMROOTFSDEPENDS_remove = "rpmresolve-native:do_populate_sysroot"'
+        # Append 'features' to local.conf
+        self.append_config(features)
+        # Build a core-image-minimal
+        ret = bitbake('core-image-minimal')
+        self.assertEqual(0, ret.status, 'Failed to build a core-image-minimal')
+        # Boot qemu image & get rpm version
+        proc_qemu = pexpect.spawn('runqemu qemux86 nographic')
+        try:
+            proc_qemu.expect('qemux86 login:', timeout=100)
+            proc_qemu.sendline(root_user)
+            proc_qemu.expect(prompt)
+            proc_qemu.sendline('rpm --version')
+            proc_qemu.expect(prompt)
+        except:
+            system('pkill qemu')
+            proc_qemu.close()
+            self.fail('Failed to boot qemu.')
+        found_rpm_version = proc_qemu.before
+        # Make sure the retrieved rpm version is the expected one
+        if rpm_version not in found_rpm_version:
+            system('pkill qemu')
+            proc_qemu.close()
+            self.fail('RPM version is not {}, found instead {}.'.format(rpm_version, found_rpm_version))
+        # Cleanup (close qemu)
+        system('pkill qemu')
+        proc_qemu.close()
\ No newline at end of file

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