[OE-core] [PATCH] qemu: OpenSUSE 13.2 configure error

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Tue Jun 30 10:32:08 UTC 2015

On 30 June 2015 at 01:16, Juro Bystricky <juro.bystricky at intel.com> wrote:

> Qemu configure tests for the presence/existance of SDL by
> trying to link against libSDL. libSDL in turn attempts to load
> libcrypt which will then attempt to load libgpg-error.
> The bitbaked libgpg-error will be built with ABI incompatible
> with the one required by libcrypt.
> The remedy is to force qemu configure to use the host's
> libgpg-error instead. This is achieved by modifying the linker
> library search order.

I think seeing this summary will send Saul into a quivering wreck as this
was a massive source of pain in the previous release.  Interesting solution
but I'd like Saul's opinion.

The patch should probably only be applied for native and nativesdk builds,
as I suspect that's going to break a target build quite badly.  Also, it
needs signed-of-by and upstream-status (inappropriate, I imagine) tags in
the patch header.

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