[OE-core] Changing external kernel module results in rebuild of whole kernel

Mike Looijmans mike.looijmans at topic.nl
Wed May 6 12:19:46 UTC 2015

On 06-05-15 12:35, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 6 May 2015 at 07:35, Mike Looijmans <mike.looijmans at topic.nl
> <mailto:mike.looijmans at topic.nl>> wrote:
>     If I change a recipe for a kernel module (a bb recipe that does "inherit
>     module") this will trigger a rebuild of the whole kernel.
> You can start to debug this by using bitbake-whatchanged. Build the kernel and
> modules, make a minor change to the module recipe, and then run
> "bitbake-whatchanged virtual/kernel" or some relevant target.

I tried the command "bitbake -S printdiff virtual/kernel" instead, which gave 
the following output:

The differences between the current build and any cached tasks start at the 
following tasks:
NOTE: Reparsing files to collect dependency data
Writing locked sigs to /home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/build/locked-sigs.inc

Task linux-topic:do_rm_work_all couldn't be used from the cache because:
   We need hash ab23ed87f933003f95ca7bab4d70c1dc, closest matching task was 
   Hash for dependent task readlinereadline_6.3.bb.do_rm_work:virtual:native 
changed from cc2e3667e52d154d8c9db7cb06ba2515 to de357460cfaed520424e5d7762713df0
   Unable to find matching sigdata for 
with hashes cc2e3667e52d154d8c9db7cb06ba2515 or de357460cfaed520424e5d7762713df0

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Embedded Products
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