[OE-core] [PATCH 1/3] classes/buildstats: whitespace cleanup

Paul Eggleton paul.eggleton at linux.intel.com
Wed May 6 16:19:25 UTC 2015

* Drop trailing whitespace
* Use spaces around equals in assignments
* Replace an errant tab with spaces

Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton at linux.intel.com>
 meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass b/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
index 4844264..f15c45d 100644
--- a/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ BNFILE = "${BUILDSTATS_BASE}/.buildname"
-# Build statistics gathering. 
+# Build statistics gathering.
 # The CPU and Time gathering/tracking functions and bbevent inspiration
-# were written by Christopher Larson and can be seen here: 
+# were written by Christopher Larson and can be seen here:
 # http://kergoth.pastey.net/142813
 def get_process_cputime(pid):
@@ -43,36 +43,36 @@ def set_device(e):
-    # We look for the volume TMPDIR lives on. To do all disks would make little 
+    # We look for the volume TMPDIR lives on. To do all disks would make little
     # sense and not give us any particularly useful data. In theory we could do
     # something like stick DL_DIR on a different partition and this would
     # throw stats gathering off. The same goes with SSTATE_DIR. However, let's
-    # get the basics in here and work on the cornercases later. 
+    # get the basics in here and work on the cornercases later.
     # A note. /proc/diskstats does not contain info on encryptfs, tmpfs, etc.
     # If we end up hitting one of these fs, we'll just skip diskstats collection.
-    device=os.stat(tmpdir)
-    majordev=os.major(long(device.st_dev))
-    minordev=os.minor(long(device.st_dev))
+    device = os.stat(tmpdir)
+    majordev = os.major(long(device.st_dev))
+    minordev = os.minor(long(device.st_dev))
-    # Bug 1700: 
+    # Bug 1700:
     # Because tmpfs/encryptfs/ramfs etc inserts no entry in /proc/diskstats
     # we set rdev to NoLogicalDevice and search for it later. If we find NLD
     # we do not collect diskstats as the method to collect meaningful statistics
-    # for these fs types requires a bit more research. 
+    # for these fs types requires a bit more research.
-    rdev="NoLogicalDevice"
+    rdev = "NoLogicalDevice"
         with open("/proc/diskstats", "r") as f:
             for line in f:
                 if majordev == int(line.split()[0]) and minordev == int(line.split()[1]):
-                    rdev=line.split()[2]
+                    rdev = line.split()[2]
     file = open(e.data.getVar('DEVFILE', True), "w")
 def get_device(e):
     file = open(e.data.getVar('DEVFILE', True))
     device = file.readline()
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def get_diskstats(dev):
     # For info on what these are, see kernel doc file iostats.txt
-    DSTAT_KEYS = ['ReadsComp', 'ReadsMerged', 'SectRead', 'TimeReads', 'WritesComp', 'SectWrite', 'TimeWrite', 'IOinProgress', 'TimeIO', 'WTimeIO']  
+    DSTAT_KEYS = ['ReadsComp', 'ReadsMerged', 'SectRead', 'TimeReads', 'WritesComp', 'SectWrite', 'TimeWrite', 'IOinProgress', 'TimeIO', 'WTimeIO']
         with open("/proc/diskstats", "r") as f:
             for x in f:
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ def get_diskdata(var, dev, data):
     newdiskdata = get_diskstats(dev)
     for key in olddiskdata.iterkeys():
         diskdata["Start"+key] = str(int(olddiskdata[key]))
-        diskdata["End"+key] = str(int(newdiskdata[key]))    
+        diskdata["End"+key] = str(int(newdiskdata[key]))
     return diskdata
 def set_timedata(var, data, server_time=None):
     import time
     if server_time:
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def get_timedata(var, data, server_time=None):
         cpuperc = None
     return timediff, cpuperc
 def write_task_data(status, logfile, dev, e):
     bn = get_bn(e)
     bsdir = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), bn)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def write_task_data(status, logfile, dev, e):
             for key in sorted(diskdata.iterkeys()):
                 file.write(key + ": " + diskdata[key] + "\n")
     if status is "passed":
-	    file.write("Status: PASSED \n")
+        file.write("Status: PASSED \n")
         file.write("Status: FAILED \n")
     file.write("Ended: %0.2f \n" % e.time)
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ python run_buildstats () {
         bn = get_bn(e)
         device = get_device(e)
         bsdir = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), bn)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ python run_buildstats () {
         file.write("Build Started: %0.2f \n" % time.time())
     elif isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildCompleted):
         bn = get_bn(e)
         device = get_device(e)
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ python run_buildstats () {
         write_task_data("passed", os.path.join(taskdir, e.task), device, e)
         if e.task == "do_rootfs":
             bsdir = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), bn)
-            bs=os.path.join(bsdir, "build_stats")
-            file = open(bs,"a") 
+            bs = os.path.join(bsdir, "build_stats")
+            file = open(bs,"a")
             rootfs = e.data.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', True)
-            rootfs_size = subprocess.Popen(["du", "-sh", rootfs], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read() 
+            rootfs_size = subprocess.Popen(["du", "-sh", rootfs], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read()
             file.write("Uncompressed Rootfs size: %s" % rootfs_size)
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ python run_buildstats () {
         taskdir = os.path.join(bsdir, e.data.expand("${PF}"))
         write_task_data("failed", os.path.join(taskdir, e.task), device, e)
-        # Lets make things easier and tell people where the build failed in 
-        # build_status. We do this here because BuildCompleted triggers no 
+        # Lets make things easier and tell people where the build failed in
+        # build_status. We do this here because BuildCompleted triggers no
         # matter what the status of the build actually is
         build_status = os.path.join(bsdir, "build_stats")

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