[OE-core] [0/2] Yocto Bug #6149, #5044

Jate Sujjavanich jatedev at gmail.com
Thu May 7 23:50:43 UTC 2015

I came across these bugs in poky 1.6.3 (daisy) with multiple package
providers. I fixed bug 6149 with just bitbake patch.

I came across another bug with this when I tried the bitbake fix on master.
With the test case

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " sshd"

meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py reported a package not found in the base
feeds. The file image.bbclass starts copies IMAGE_INSTALL to
PACKAGE_INSTALL and performs fix ups for multilib, etc. I added another
function (rootfs_process_preferred_providers) to replace sshd in
PACKAGE_INSTALL with dropbear. This eliminated the error.

The mega-manual is vague when it describes what can be specified in
PREFERRED_PROVIDER: an item. And the code partially supports run-time
packages as a valid item on the left. My implementation assumes a package
name on the right.

Yocto bug 5044 suggests traversing from the package name to the virtual/*
provider, but I have not thought through how this might work.

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " libasound-module-bluez"

I got this working on poky 1.6.3, but some changes to the bluez recipes on
master seemed to mitigate the original problem.

- Jate S.
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