[OE-core] [PATCH] sqlite3: upgrade to 3.8.10

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri May 8 15:22:43 UTC 2015

On 8 May 2015 at 09:03, <rongqing.li at windriver.com> wrote:

> ++sqlite3_DEPENDENCIES = $(top_builddir)/libsqlite3.la

packages/corei7-64-poky-linux/sqlite3/sqlite3: RDEPENDS: removed all items
"libsqlite3 (['>='])"
packages/corei7-64-poky-linux/sqlite3/sqlite3: PKGSIZE changed from 66704
to 833776 (+1149%)

Looks like means that the sqlite3 binary is statically linking to the
library instead of dynamically linking.

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