[OE-core] [PATCH 1/3] license_class: Reimplemented manifest creation in python

Aníbal Limón anibal.limon at linux.intel.com
Fri May 8 20:38:04 UTC 2015


I tested also using SSTATE and works good, see my comments below.

On 08/05/15 12:30, Flanagan, Elizabeth wrote:
> On 6 May 2015 at 15:52, Aníbal Limón <anibal.limon at linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> Reimplemented license_manifest_create from shell to python for
>> INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE handle using oe.license module.
>> Optimizations are made to avoid license copy now uses a hardlink
>> and symbolic link this helps to save space during build.
>> Signed-off-by: Aníbal Limón <anibal.limon at linux.intel.com>
>> ---
>>   meta/classes/license.bbclass | 163 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
>>   1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/meta/classes/license.bbclass b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
>> index d9409a9..975867d 100644
>> --- a/meta/classes/license.bbclass
>> +++ b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
>> @@ -25,87 +25,88 @@ python write_package_manifest() {
>>           'w+').write(image_list_installed_packages(d))
>>   }
>> -license_create_manifest() {
>> -        # Test if BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS is defined in env
>> -        if [ -n "${BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS}" ]; then
>> -          exit 0
>> -        fi
>> -
>> -       INSTALLED_PKGS=`cat ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/package.manifest`
>> -       LICENSE_MANIFEST="${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest"
>> -       # remove existing license.manifest file
>> -       if [ -f ${LICENSE_MANIFEST} ]; then
>> -               rm ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -       fi
>> -       touch ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -       for pkg in ${INSTALLED_PKGS}; do
>> -               filename=`ls ${PKGDATA_DIR}/runtime-reverse/${pkg}| head -1`
>> -               pkged_pn="$(sed -n 's/^PN: //p' ${filename})"
>> -
>> -               # check to see if the package name exists in the manifest. if so, bail.
>> -               if grep -q "^PACKAGE NAME: ${pkg}" ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}; then
>> -                       continue
>> -               fi
>> -
>> -               pkged_pv="$(sed -n 's/^PV: //p' ${filename})"
>> -               pkged_name="$(basename $(readlink ${filename}))"
>> -               pkged_lic="$(sed -n "/^LICENSE_${pkged_name}: /{ s/^LICENSE_${pkged_name}: //; p }" ${filename})"
>> -               pkged_size="$(sed -n "/^PKGSIZE_${pkged_name}: /{ s/^PKGSIZE_${pkged_name}: //; p }" ${filename})"
>> -               if [ -z "${pkged_lic}" ]; then
>> -                       # fallback checking value of LICENSE
>> -                       pkged_lic="$(sed -n "/^LICENSE: /{ s/^LICENSE: //; p }" ${filename})"
>> -               fi
>> -
>> -               echo "PACKAGE NAME:" ${pkg} >> ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -               echo "PACKAGE VERSION:" ${pkged_pv} >> ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -               echo "RECIPE NAME:" ${pkged_pn} >> ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -               echo "LICENSE:" ${pkged_lic} >> ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -               echo "" >> ${LICENSE_MANIFEST}
>> -
>> -               # If the package doesn't contain any file, that is, its size is 0, the license
>> -               # isn't relevant as far as the final image is concerned. So doing license check
>> -               # doesn't make much sense, skip it.
>> -               if [ "$pkged_size" = "0" ]; then
>> -                       continue
>> -               fi
>> -
>> -               lics="$(echo ${pkged_lic} | sed "s/[|&()*]/ /g" | sed "s/  */ /g" )"
>> -               for lic in ${lics}; do
>> -                       # to reference a license file trim trailing + symbol
>> -                       if ! [ -e "${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}/generic_${lic%+}" ]; then
>> -                               bbwarn "The license listed ${lic} was not in the licenses collected for ${pkged_pn}"
>> -                       fi
>> -               done
>> -       done
>> -
>> -       # Two options here:
>> -       # - Just copy the manifest
>> -       # - Copy the manifest and the license directories
>> -       # With both options set we see a .5 M increase in core-image-minimal
>> -       if [ "${COPY_LIC_MANIFEST}" = "1" ]; then
>> -               mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/
>> -               cp ${LICENSE_MANIFEST} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/license.manifest
>> -               if [ "${COPY_LIC_DIRS}" = "1" ]; then
>> -                       for pkg in ${INSTALLED_PKGS}; do
>> -                               mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${pkg}
>> -                               pkged_pn="$(oe-pkgdata-util -p ${PKGDATA_DIR} lookup-recipe ${pkg})"
>> -                               for lic in `ls ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}`; do
>> -                                       # Really don't need to copy the generics as they're
>> -                                       # represented in the manifest and in the actual pkg licenses
>> -                                       # Doing so would make your image quite a bit larger
>> -                                       if [ "${lic#generic_}" = "${lic}" ]; then
>> -                                               cp ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}/${lic} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${pkg}/${lic}
>> -                                       else
>> -                                               if [ ! -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${lic} ]; then
>> -                                                       cp ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}/${lic} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/
>> -                                               fi
>> -                                               ln -sf ../${lic} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${pkg}/${lic}
>> -                                       fi
>> -                               done
>> -                       done
>> -               fi
>> -       fi
>> -
>> +python license_create_manifest() {
>> +    import re
>> +    import oe.packagedata
>> +
>> +    build_images_from_feeds = d.getVar('BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS', True)
>> +    if build_images_from_feeds == "1":
>> +        return 0
>> +
>> +    pkg_dic = {}
>> +    package_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
>> +                        d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True), 'package.manifest')
> Why aren't you using [image|sdk]_list_installed_packages to get the
> package list here?
I made this change sending v3.

>> +    with open(package_manifest, "r") as package_file:
>> +        pkg_list = package_file.read().split()
>> +        for pkg in pkg_list:
>> +            pkg_info = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True),
>> +                                    'runtime-reverse', pkg)
>> +            pkg_name = os.path.basename(os.readlink(pkg_info))
>> +
>> +            pkg_dic[pkg_name] = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkg_info)
>> +            if not "LICENSE" in pkg_dic[pkg_name].keys():
>> +                pkg_lic_name = "LICENSE_" + pkg_name
>> +                pkg_dic[pkg_name]["LICENSE"] = pkg_dic[pkg_name][pkg_lic_name]
>> +
>> +    license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
>> +                        d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True), 'license.manifest')
>> +    with open(license_manifest, "w") as license_file:
>> +        for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
>> +            license_file.write("PACKAGE NAME: %s\n" % pkg)
>> +            license_file.write("PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PV"])
>> +            license_file.write("RECIPE NAME: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
>> +            license_file.write("LICENSE: %s\n\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
>> +
>> +            # If the package doesn't contain any file, that is, its size is 0, the license
>> +            # isn't relevant as far as the final image is concerned. So doing license check
>> +            # doesn't make much sense, skip it.
>> +            if pkg_dic[pkg]["PKGSIZE_%s" % pkg] == "0":
>> +                continue
>> +
>> +            licenses = re.sub('[|&()*]', '', pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
>> +            licenses = re.sub('  *', ' ', licenses)
>> +            for lic in licenses.split():
>> +                lic_file = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
>> +                                        pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"], "generic_%s" %
>> +                                        re.sub('\+', '', lic))
>> +                if not os.path.exists(lic_file):
>> +                   bb.warn("The license listed %s was not in the "\
>> +                            "licenses collected for recipe %s"
>> +                            % (lic, pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"]))
>> +
>> +    # Two options here:
>> +    # - Just copy the manifest
>> +    # - Copy the manifest and the license directories
>> +    # With both options set we see a .5 M increase in core-image-minimal
>> +    copy_lic_manifest = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_MANIFEST', True)
>> +    copy_lic_dirs = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_DIRS', True)
>> +    if copy_lic_manifest == "1":
>> +        rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', 'True'),
>> +                                'usr', 'share', 'common-licenses')
>> +        os.makedirs(rootfs_license_dir)
>> +        rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir,
>> +                                                'license.manifest')
>> +        os.link(license_manifest, rootfs_license_manifest)
>> +
>> +        if copy_lic_dirs == "1":
>> +            for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
>> +                pkg_rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, pkg)
>> +                os.makedirs(pkg_rootfs_license_dir)
>> +                pkg_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
>> +                                            pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
>> +                licenses = os.listdir(pkg_license_dir)
>> +                for lic in licenses:
>> +                    rootfs_license = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, lic)
>> +                    pkg_license = os.path.join(pkg_license_dir, lic)
>> +                    pkg_rootfs_license = os.path.join(pkg_rootfs_license_dir, lic)
>> +
>> +                    if re.match("^generic_.*$", lic):
>> +                        if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license):
>> +                            os.link(pkg_license, rootfs_license)
>> +
>> +                        os.symlink(os.path.join('..', lic), pkg_rootfs_license)
>> +                    else:
>> +                        os.link(pkg_license, pkg_rootfs_license)
>>   }
>>   python do_populate_lic() {
>> --

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