[OE-core] WARNING: The license listed CLOSED was not in the licenses collected for foo

Mike Looijmans mike.looijmans at topic.nl
Mon May 11 08:58:07 UTC 2015

Hmm, I cannot figure it out... I have in a recipe:

LICENSE = "internal"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=cf85de037de7ae12cc2d0059741fdbae"

Then in my layer.conf:

LICENSE_PATH += "${LAYERDIR}/licenses"

I have a file called "internal" in that path. Still, I get:

WARNING: log_check: WARNING: The license listed internal was not in the 
licenses collected for ...

What am I missing still then? What does the warning mean? I thought I got 
everything right, but either the licensing rules have changed or I never got 
it right in the first place and a check was added to make me aware of that.

On 11-05-15 08:54, Mike Looijmans wrote:
> What is one expected to do when one justs wants to add the missing license to
> the "licenses collected for ..."?
> I'm a bit spoiled now, most OE messages explain what it expects me to do to
> fix the problem.

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Embedded Products
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