[OE-core] [PATCH] Add support for VirtualBox VDI images

Bystricky, Juro juro.bystricky at intel.com
Mon May 11 23:28:44 UTC 2015

OK, no problem.
Saul also suggested merging image-vmdk and image-vdi classes into one class,
something like image-vm.bbclass. It is a bit more invasive (will modify the existing vmdk
bbclass) , but it should be a cleaner implementation overall.


From: Burton, Ross [mailto:ross.burton at intel.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 3:55 AM
To: Bystricky, Juro
Cc: OE-core; Saul Wold
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add support for VirtualBox VDI images

Thanks Juro,

On 8 May 2015 at 23:39, Juro Bystricky <juro.bystricky at intel.com<mailto:juro.bystricky at intel.com>> wrote:
Yocto does not support VirtualBox sparse image VDI file format.
This could be achieved by the attached patch. The support mimics
the VMDK support for VMware. The only subtle difference is that
qemu-native has be be built with uuid enabled, as VDI images
need a valid UUID in order to be recognized by VirtualBox.

[YOCTO #7374]

This needs to be split up into logical patches.  For example one to enable UUID into Qemu, one to add the new image type, another to update the checks.

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