[OE-core] [PATCH 4/5] python3-distribute: Upgrade to python3-setuptools 15.2

Alejandro Hernandez alejandro.hernandez at linux.intel.com
Fri May 22 15:36:23 UTC 2015

On 21/05/15 18:47, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 21 May 2015 at 10:15, Alejandro Hernandez 
> <alejandro.hernandez at linux.intel.com 
> <mailto:alejandro.hernandez at linux.intel.com>> wrote:
>     python3-distribute was merged back to python3-setuptools in 2013,
>     and it is no longer being maintained, this upgrade also provides
>     functionality that will be needed for python3-pip.
> ERROR: The recipe python3-setuptools is trying to install files into a 
> shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their 
> manifest location are:
>  /data/poky-master/tmp/sysroots/intel-corei7-64/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/site.py
>  Matched in manifest-intel-corei7-64-python3-distribute.populate_sysroot
>  /data/poky-master/tmp/sysroots/intel-corei7-64/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/setuptools.pth
>  Matched in manifest-intel-corei7-64-python3-distribute.populate_sysroot
>  /data/poky-master/tmp/sysroots/intel-corei7-64/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/__pycache__/site.cpython-34.pyc
>  Matched in manifest-intel-corei7-64-python3-distribute.populate_sysroot
> Urgh, this again.  We either live with this and tell people to delete 
> their tmp/, or bump the tmp ABI and provide a migration path.  Or 
> improve bitbake to handle files moving between recipes in the sysroot 
> and doing the right thing...
> Ross
I think this is because the package name is different, before it was 
python3-distribute and now its python3-setuptools but they do install 
the same files, so for this case in specific; a bitbake 
python3-distribtue -c cleanall should be done befooore merging? so the 
python3-distribute recipe actually exists or clean the /tmp manually.


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