[OE-core] [PATCH 00/11] Fix quotes in several recipes

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Fri May 22 16:51:52 UTC 2015

On 21 May 2015 at 09:21, Ismo Puustinen <ismo.puustinen at intel.com> wrote:

> I recently wrote my own parser for BitBake recipes and ran it over the
> recipes
> in openembedded-core. I found a number of bugs in my parser, but I also
> saw some
> "patterns" in recipes which I thought were against the spec but still
> allowed by
> the BitBake parser.
> This patch series fixes quotes in variable values. Specifically, it
> disallows
> having unescaped double quotes inside a variable value that is surrounded
> by
> double quotes. This patch series in not critical in that sense that
> everything
> should work still the same way it used to. However, if the BitBake parser
> is
> ever made stricter or the BitBake User Manual written to have less
> ambiguity on
> the subject of the .bb file format, having these fixed will help in
> transition.
> Of course, it may be that I'm mistaken and the quoting around variable
> values is
> not even supposed to have a meaning in the variable definition, in which
> case
> the whole patch set can be disregarded.

This is going to sound really petty... but 99% of assignments in the
metadata use double quotes so for consistency the patches were possible
should use double quotes on the outside and single quotes on the inside.

And yes, bitbake's string parser isn't a strict as you'd expect.

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