[OE-core] [PATCH v2 2/2] licenses.conf:Modified parameters for new spdx.bbclass

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri May 29 11:11:34 UTC 2015

On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 17:45 +0800, Lei Maohui wrote:

There is no longer description of the changes here which makes it very
hard to decide if you intended to change some of the things below. They
don't all look to be related to the new class.

> Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui at cn.fujitsu.com>
> ---
>  meta/conf/licenses.conf | 65 +++++++++++--------------------------------------
>  1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/meta/conf/licenses.conf b/meta/conf/licenses.conf
> index 629916b..b732451 100644
> --- a/meta/conf/licenses.conf
> +++ b/meta/conf/licenses.conf
> @@ -115,75 +115,38 @@ SPDXLICENSEMAP[SGIv1] = "SGI-1"
>  # LICENSE_PATH += "${COREBASE}/custom-licenses"
>  # Set if you want the license.manifest copied to the image

Did you mean to change these defaults?

>  # If you want the pkg licenses copied over as well you must set
> -#COPY_LIC_DIRS = "1"
> +COPY_LIC_DIRS = "1"
>  ## SPDX temporary directory
> -SPDX_TEMP_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/spdx_temp"
> -SPDX_MANIFEST_DIR = "/home/yocto/fossology_scans"
> +SPDX_TEMP_DIR ?= "${WORKDIR}/spdx_temp"
> +SPDX_MANIFEST_DIR ?= "/home/yocto/fossology_scans"
>  ## SPDX Format info
>  DATA_LICENSE = "CC0-1.0"
> +## If your fossylogy server is from 2.4.0 to 2.6.1,the LICENSELISTVERSION is 1.19
> +## Reference to http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Release_Notes
> +CREATOR_TOOL = "yocto+fossology-spdx"
>  ## Fossology scan information
>  # You can set option to control if the copyright information will be skipped
>  # during the identification process.
>  #
>  # It is defined as [FOSS_COPYRIGHT] in ./meta/conf/licenses.conf.

You've left this comment in but removed all the example variables?

> -# FOSS_COPYRIGHT = "true"
> -#   NO copyright will be processed. That means only license information will be
> -#   identified and output to SPDX file
> -# FOSS_COPYRIGHT = "false"
> -#   Copyright will be identified and output to SPDX file along with license
> -#   information. The process will take more time than not processing copyright
> -#   information.
> -#
> -
> -# A option defined as[FOSS_RECURSIVE_UNPACK] in ./meta/conf/licenses.conf. is
> -# used to control if FOSSology server need recursively unpack tar.gz file which
> -# is sent from do_spdx task.
> -#
> -#    FOSSology server does NOT recursively unpack. In the current release, this
> -#    is the default choice because recursively unpack will not necessarily break
> -#    down original compressed files.
> -#    FOSSology server recursively unpack components.
> -#
> -

This is another removed option. Why?

> -# An option defined as [FOSS_FULL_SPDX] in ./meta/conf/licenses.conf is used to
> -# control what kind of SPDX output to get from the FOSSology server.
> -#
> -# FOSS_FULL_SPDX = "true":
> -#   Tell FOSSology server to return full SPDX output, like if the program was
> -#   run from the command line. This is needed in order to get license refs for
> -#   the full package rather than individual files only.
> -#
> -# FOSS_FULL_SPDX = "false":
> -#   Tell FOSSology to only process license information for files. All package
> -#   license tags in the report will be "NOASSERTION"
> -#
> -
> -FOSS_FULL_SPDX = "true"

and more removed functionality?

> -# FOSSologySPDX instance server. http://localhost/repo is the default
> -# installation location for FOSSology.
> -#
> +# FOSSologySPDX instance server.
>  # For more information on FOSSologySPDX commandline:
>  #   https://github.com/spdx-tools/fossology-spdx/wiki/Fossology-SPDX-Web-API
> -#
> +# 
> -FOSS_BASE_URL = "http://localhost/repo/?mod=spdx_license_once"
> +# The following commnd is suit for the FOSSologySPDX instance server in localhost.
> -FOSS_WGET_FLAGS = "-qO - --no-check-certificate --timeout=0"
> +FOSS_SERVER ?= " --noproxy"
> +FOSS_CURL_FLAGS ?= "-F "mod=spdx_license_once" -F "noCopyright=false" -F "jsonOutput=false" -F "fullSPDXFlag=true""

This appears to hardcode some things which used to be configurable?



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